
1.9 KiB

Developer notes

Starting a local instance

This is a mere Jekyll site, and bundle exec jekyll serve should be fine. But I suggest you use this instead:


CSS classes

h2 supports these:

{: .-two-column}
{: .-three-column}
{: .-wide-second}       # combine with -xxx-column
{: .-left-reference}

h3 supports these:

{: .-prime}

table supports these:

{: .-shortcuts}
{: .-left-align}
{: .-headers}

pre supports these:

{: .-setup}
{: .-box-chars}

ul supports these:

{: .-also-see}
{: .-four-column}
{: .-six-column}


Each sheet supports these metadata:

title: React.js
layout: 2017/sheet   # 'default' | '2017/sheet'

# Optional:
category: React
updated: 2017-08-30       # To show in the updated list
ads: false                # Add this to disable ads
weight: -5                # lower number = higher in related posts list
deprecated: true          # Don't show in related posts
prism_languages: [vim]    # Extra syntax highlighting
  - WIP
  - Featured

# Special pages:
# (don't set these for cheatsheets)
type: home                # home | article | error
og_type: website          # opengraph type

Prism languages

For supported prism languages:

Setting up redirects

This example sets up a redirect from es2015 to es6:

# /
title: ES2015
category: Hidden
redirect_to: /es6


See _data/content.yml for chrome strings.


So you want to fork this repo? Sure, here's what you need to know to whitelabel this:

  • It's all GitHub pages, so the branch has to be gh-pages.
  • All other GitHub pages gotchas apply (CNAME, etc).
  • Edit everything in _data/ - this holds all 'config' for the site: ad IDs, strings, etc.
  • Edit _config.yml as well, lots of things may not apply to you.