
81 lines
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title: Yargs
category: JavaScript libraries
### Basic usage
var argv = require('yargs').argv;
argv._ // [ ... ]
argv.$0 // "node bin/mybin"
argv.verbose // --verbose
### Help and version
var argv = require('yargs')
// version
.alias('v', 'version')
.version(function() { return require('../package').version; })
.describe('v', 'show version information')
// help text
.alias('h', 'help')
.usage('Usage: $0 -x [num]')
.showHelpOnFail(false, "Specify --help for available options")
### Options
.option('f', {
alias : 'file',
describe: 'x marks the spot',
type: 'string', /* array | boolean | string */
nargs: 1,
demand: true,
demand: 'file is required',
default: '/etc/passwd'
// also: count:true, requiresArg:true
f: { ... }
### Examples and more help stuff
// more help
.epilog('copyright 2015')
.command('start', 'start a server')
### Stacking
argv.verbose // -vvv => 3
### Reject non explicits
### Methods
yargs.showHelp() //=>string