
44 KiB

2019-11-10 new modules from dev tree * bump simplisafe-python-5.1.0 * bump bimmer_connected-0.6.2 * add (older) haanna-0.12.3 for a test * add dev-python/roombapy/roombapy-1.3.1 - add scikit-build-0.10.0 - apply a temporary hack for opencv-3.4.1 (https://bugs.gentoo.org/699730) - remove dev-python/Pillow, we already use only the one from gentoo main repo

2019-11-09 again modules from dev tree * bump abodepy-0.16.7 * add smbus-cffi-0.5.1 * add pcal9535a-0.7 * add pdunehd-1.3

2019-11-08 some modules from dev tree * paho-mqtt: remove obsolete patch * bump hass-nabucasa-0.29 * bump home-assistant-frontend-20191108.0 * bump zha-quirks-0.0.27

2019-11-08 some modules from dev tree * add wled-0.1.0 * add cattrs-0.9.0 * bump plexwebsocket-0.0.4

2019-11-07 some modules from dev tree * fix imageio for Python 3.7 * bump ratelimit-2.2.1 * bump requests-futures-1.0.0 * add requests-futures-0.9.7 * bump env-canada-0.0.30 * add env-canada-0.0.29 * bump imageio-2.6.1 * bump imageio-2.3.0 * bump pymfy-0.6.1 * bump youtube_dl-2019.11.5 * bump adb-shell-0.0.8 * bump pytile-3.0.1 * add pytile-3.0.0 * downgrade habitipy-0.2 * bump haanna-0.13. * bump pyephember-0.3.1 * bump aioasuswrt-1.1.22 * bump geniushub-client-0.6.30 * bump jinja-2.10.3 * bump paho-mqtt-1.5.0 * bump TwitterAPI-2.5.10 * add TwitterAPI-2.5.9 * bump Pillow-6.2.1 * add Pillow-6.2.0 * bump pyEight-0.1.2 * bump pysnmp-4.4.12 * add pysnmp-4.4.11 * bump attrs-19.3.0 * add thingspeak-1.0.0

2019-11-06 homeassistant-0.101.3 * improved README.md * new Python 3.7 Status * update /etc/portage sample files * esptool-2.7 allow Python 3.7 * platformio-4.0.3 help Python 3.7 * bump esptool-2.8, OK for Python 3.7 * Merge pull request #6 from evadim/master * update CHANGELOG.md * homeassistant-0.101.3 * Python 3.7 update (4x) * update/fix zipp-0.5.1 dep * allow Python 3.6 again for tests * update/fix ua-parser-0.8.0 dep * delete obsolete releases * update README.md * update license list * update Python 3.7 notes * add Python 3.7 notes, fix Typo * Add Python 3.7 migration notes * Merge branch 'python37dev' of https://git.edevau.net/onkelbeh/HomeAssistantRepository * homeassistant-0.101.2-r2 (from python3_7 tree) * now it runs on Python 3.7 * add PyMetno * use newer s3transfer * repoman needs pyyaml-5.1.2[python2_7] * unmask python_37 * start experimenting with python-single-r1.eclass * colorama-0.3.9-r1 ist with python3_7 support * nose-1.3.7-r3 needs dev-python/coverage[python_targets_python2_7] * app-crypt/acme needs requests-toolbelt-0.3.0[python_targets_python2_7] * dev-python/botocore needs jmespath[python_targets_python2_7] * decouple dev-embedded/esphome from homeassistant * certbot needs pytz-2019.3 in python2_7 * pyrfc3339 in main repo * open >=dev-python/tzlocal-1.5.1 * remove blocked xml-security-c * homeassistant-0.101.2 * bump hdate-0.9.2 * Merge branch 'python37dev' of onkelbeh/HomeAssistantRepository into master * update Manifests for all changed packages * fix some typos * Add missing license strings as far as possible * Fix Bad URL from Pypi (2x) * align license strings to /usr/portage/gentoo/licenses * drop support for obsolete python versions * add SSL Homepage (4x) * add correct license in ebuild * remove old cvs header (4x) * homeassistant-0.101.1 * bump iaqualink-0.3.0 * add aionotify-0.2.0 * downgrade evdev-0.6.1 * downgrade evdev-0.6.2 * downgrade evdev-1.1.2 * add PySocks-1.7.1 * pysaj-0.0.13 * bump incomfort-client-0.4.0 * bump pytest-5.2.2 * bump youtube_dl-2019.10.29 * bump pre-commit-1.20.0 * bump pymyq-2.0.1 * change numpy-1.17.3-r1 COMPAT, Python version >= 3.5 required * bump blinkpy-0.14.2 * bump homeassistant-0.101.0 * rebuild frontend Manifest

2019-10-28 homeassistant-0.101.0_beta3 * bump homeassistant-0.101.0_beta3 * bump PlexAPI-3.2.0 and (older) PlexAPI-3.0.6 * bump avea-1.4 * bump python-miio-0.4.7 * bump plexwebsocket-0.0.3 * bump praw-6.4.0 * add unifiled * add spiderpy * add speedtest-cli-2.1.2

2019-10-26 homeassistant-0.101.0_beta2 * bump huawei-lte-api-1.4.3 * remove olds: hass-nabucasa * bump hass-nabucasa-0.23 * bump pytradfri-6.4.0 * bump python-slugify-4.0.0 * bump homeassistant-0.101.0_beta2 * clean up old frontends * add plexwebsocket-0.0.1 * add pycsspeechtts-1.0.3 * bump frontend-20191025.0

2019-10-25 homeassistant-0.101.0_beta1 * update homeassistant-0.101.0_beta1 * bump aioesphomeapi-2.4.2 * use beta flag in homeassistant-0.101.0_beta0 * esphome: use new ebuild version for git * bump esphome-1.14.0_beta3 * sort iuse on cryptography-2.8 * use https:// for Homepage in some more ebuilds * fix dev-python/pyobihai Manifest * fix dev-python/packaging Manifest * update esphome-1.14.0_beta2 * bump esptool-2.7 * bump protobuf-python-3.10.0 * bump protobuf-3.10.0 * bump protobuf-3.10.0 * bump tzlocal-2.0.0 * bump esphome-1.14.0_beta1 * bump twilio-6.32.0 * add pystride * add sunwatcher-0.2.1 * bump PySyncThru-0.5.0 * bump pyhomematic-0.1.61 * bump plexauth-0.0.5 * bump OPi-GPIO-0.4.0 * bump Mastodon-py-1.5.0 * homeassistant-0.101.0_beta0 * bump frontend-20191023.0 * androidtv-0.0.32.ebuild fix adb-shell==0.0.7 * bump zigpy-homeassistant-0.10.0 * bump zigpy-zigate-0.5.0 * bump zigpy-xbee-homeassistant-0.6.0 * bump zigpy-homeassistant-0.9.0 * bump zigpy-deconz-0.6.0 * add aiofreepybox-0.0.8 * bump aioesphomeapi-2.4.0 * bump discord-py-1.2.4 * bump teslajsonpy-0.1.0 * add teslajsonpy-0.0.26 * add glances_api * bump youtube_dl-2019.10.22 * bump pymyq-2.0.0 * Merge branch 'master' of matoro/HomeAssistantRepository into master - dev-python/packaging: remove no longer relevant patches

2019-10-22 homeassistant-0.100.3 * bump homeassistant-0.100.3 * bump evohomeclient-0.3.4 * bump openwrt-luci-rpc-1.1.2 * bump pybotvac-0.0.17 * bump pysonos-0.0.24 * bump adguardhome-0.3.0 * bump abodepy-0.16.6 * bump abodepy-0.16.5 * bump mypy-0.740 * bump homematicip-0.10.13 * bump astroid-2.3.2 * bump pylint-2.4.3 * bump keyring-19.2.0 * add pymochad-0.2.0 * bump pymfy-0.6.0 * bump cryptography-2.8 * bump numpy-1.17.3 * bump clearpasspy-1.1.3 * add clearpasspy-1.0.2 * bump hdate-0.9.1 * bump geniushub-client-0.6.28 * bump androidtv-0.0.32 * bump adb-shell-0.0.7 * bump RPi-GPIO-0.7.0 * bump youtube_dl-2019.10.16 * bump pyatmo-2.3.2 * bump homeassistant-0.100.2 * fix a esphome-1.13.6-r1 dep * bump pyHik-0.2.4 * add protobuf dep

2019-10-11 some integrations updated * bump PyMata-2.20 * add PyRMVtransport-0.2.9 * bump python-slugify-3.0.6 * bump sqlalchemy-1.3.10 * bump aiohttp-3.6.2 * add python-songpal-0.11.1 * add nokia-1.2.0 * bump av-6.2.0 * add av-6.1.2 * bump broadlink-0.12.0 * add (old) datadog-0.15.0 * add datadog-0.30.0 * add directpy-0.6 * add minio-4.0.9 & minio-5.0.1 * add nuheat-0.3.0 * add pmsensor-0.4 * bump pydeconz-64 * add pyfido-2.1.1 * add pyfritzhome-0.4.[0,2] * add pyfttt-0.3.2 * add pykira-0.1.1 * add pytraccar-0.9.0 * add stringcase-1.2.0 * add (older) tplink-0.2.1 * add (older) websockets-6.0 * add yahooweather-0.10 * bump zigpy-xbee-homeassistant-0.5.0 * remove beta tags from 0.100.1

2019-10-10 homeassistant-0.100.1 * homeassistant-0.100.1 * remove old homeassistant ebuilds * bump zigpy-zigate-0.4.1 * frontend-20191002.2 * homeassistant-0.100.0_beta3 * bump beautifulsoup-4.8.1

2019-10-09 go ahead * hack some home-assistant-cli-9999 deps good again * bump frontend-20191002.1 * remove old homeassistant ebuild to match already deleted frontends * bump SQLAlchemy-1.3.9 * bump certifi-2019.9.11 * bump pytz-2019.3 * bump ruamel-yaml-0.16.5 * bump text-unidecode-1.3 * allow newer aiohttp * bump homeassistant-0.100.0_beta2 * add todoist-python-8.0.2 * bump astroid-2.3.1 * bump pylint-2.4.2 * bump pybotvac-0.0.16 * homeassistant-0.100.0_beta1 * python-miio-0.4.6 * update androidtv-0.0.30 * bump adb-shell-0.0.4 * add pyhiveapi-

2019-10-05 DIV MODULES ADDED * add airly-0.0.2 * add connect-box-0.2.5 * add pyotgw-0.5_beta0

2019-10-03 homeassistant-0.100.0_beta0 * bump bellows-homeassistant-0.10.0 * bump hass-nabucasa-0.22 * bump xknx-0.11.2 * bump gpiozero-1.5.1 * bump zigpy-deconz-0.5.0 * bump home-assistant-frontend-20191002.0 * bump voluptuous-serialize-2.3.0 * bump geniushub-client-0.6.26 * bump boto3-1.9.233 * bump pyvera-0.3.6 * add adb-shell-0.0.3 * bump androidtv-0.0.29 * bump shodan-1.19.0 * bump python-ecobee-api-0.1.4 * add pysoma-0.0.10 * bump zha-quirks-0.0.26

2019-10-02 div python modules updated * add pysaj-0.0.9 * bump incomfort-client-0.3.5 * bump pytest-5.2.0 * add plexauth-0.0.4 * add PlexAPI-3.1.0 * bump meteoalertapi-0.1.6 * bump attrs-19.2.0 * bump python-ecobee-api-0.1.3

2019-10-01 div python modules updated * bump python-ecobee-api-0.1.2 * bump zigpy-zigate-0.4.0 * bump zha-quirks-0.0.25 * bump homematicip-0.10.11 * bump pyotp-2.3.0 * bump sendgrid-6.1.0 * bump pylutron-0.2.5 * bump requests-mock-1.7.0 * bump shodan-1.17.0 * bump iperf3-0.1.11 * bump pytest-5.1.3 * bump python-slugify-3.0.4 * add python-whois-0.7.2 * bump importlib-metadata-0.23 * bump pynws-0.8.1 * bump simplisafe-python-5.0.1 * bump aiowwlln-2.0.2 * bump openwrt-luci-rpc-1.1.1 * add python-izone-1.1.1 * add influxdb-5.2.3 * bump RestrictedPython-5.0 * bump aiohttp-3.6.1 * bump solax-0.2.2 * bump pre-commit-1.18.3 * bump aiohttp-3.6.0 * bump pytest-5.1.2

2019-09-30 homeassistant-0.99.3 * some more experimental esphome (without python2.7) - bump platformio-4.0.3 - bump semantic_version-2.8.2 - bump tabulate-0.8.5 - bump pyelftools-0.25 * update repo location in README.md * (github/master) spread klowe0100's patch * homeassistant-0.99.3 * bump frontend-20190919.1 * bump zigpy-zigate-0.3.1 * Add klowe0100' Idea (merge pull request #5 from klowe0100/esphome-python3 uncleanly): - ebuild for latest esphome mainline dev branch - Bump platformio (4.0.1) to remove python2 dependency - Update version specifier to unblock installation - Fix minor but blocking typo

2019-09-21 homeassistant-0.99.2 * update homeassistant-0.99.2 * bump zigpy-homeassistant-0.8.0 * bump frontend-20190919.0 * update homeassistant-0.99.1 * add pyobihai-1.1.0 * bump pytradfri-6.3.1 * update homeassistant-0.99.0 * bump zha-quirks-0.0.23 * bump youtube_dl-2019.9.1 * bump sqlalchemy-1.3.8 * bump PyChromecast-4.0.1 * bump pyTibber-0.11.72 * add libpyvivotek-0.2.1 * geniushub-client-0.6.13 * bump frontend-20190918.1

2019-09-10 homeassistant-0.98.5 * add (old) geniushub-client-0.6.7 * add iaqualink-0.2.9 * add PyViCare-0.1.1 * bump aiowwlln-2.0.1 * bump androidtv-0.0.27 * bump ZHA * bump geniushub-client-0.6.11 * bump async-upnp-client-0.14.11 * add growattServer-0.0.1 * homeassistant-0.98.5 * homeassistant-0.98.4

2019-09-06 homeassistant-0.98.3 * add pyAtome-0.1.1 * bump frontend-20190904.0 * bump numpy-1.17.1 * add goslide-api * add PyISY-1.1.2 * bump pylinky-0.4.0 * bump zigpy-zigate-0.2.0 * bump locationsharinglib-4.1.0 * bump androidtv-0.0.24 * bump denonavr-0.7.10 * update homeassistant-0.98.3 * update pyhaversion-3.1.0 * update aioharmony-0.1.13

2019-09-02 homeassistant-0.98.2 * bump homeassistant-0.98.2

2019-08-31 homeassistant-0.98.1 * bump homeassistant-0.98.1

2019-08-29 homeassistant-0.98.0 * bump homeassistant-0.98.0

2019-08-28 too lazy to push 0.98.0_beta2 * bump pyatv-0.3.13 * bump packaging-19.1 * bump huawei-lte-api-1.3.0 * homeassistant-0.98.0_beta2 * bump frontend-20190805.0 * bump zha-quirks-0.0.22 * bump pyheos-0.6.0 * bump Ambiclimate-0.2.1 * add pynws-0.7.4 * bump androidtv-0.0.24 * home-assistant-0.98.0b1 * bump frontend-20190822.0

2019-08-22 homeassistant-0.98.0_beta0 * bump frontend-20190822.0

2019-08-22 homeassistant-0.98.0_beta0 * bump pyyaml-5.1.2 * allow voluptuous > 0.11.1 * fix numpy-1.17.0 PYTHON_COMPAT > 3.5 * loosen blinkpy-0.14.1 deps * bump beautifulsoup-4.8.0 * bump frontend-20190821.0 * homeassistant-0.98.0_beta0 * bump pytest-5.1.1 * Upgrade pydocstyle to 4.0.1 * bump bimmer-connected-0.6.0 * bump zigpy/zha/bellows deps * bump frontend-20190820.1

2019-08-20 div updates * bump geniushub-client * add pylacrosse * add (currently used) pyrainbird-0.1.6 * add pyrainbird-0.2.1 * bump frontend-20190820.0 * bump pysma-0.3.4 * add & bump tensorflow-1.13.2 * add keba-kecontact-0.2.0 * bump hass-nabucasa-0.17 * add older python-eq3bt-0.1.9 * bump PyXiaomiGateway-0.12.4

2019-08-18 div updates * remove backup file * did a manifest-check * fix dev-python/pypandoc * bump Adafruit-Blinka-2.3.1 * add pre-commit-1.18.2 * fix importlib-metadata manifest * add sisyphus-control-2.2.1 * bump numpy-1.17.0 * update hole-0.5.0 * update voluptuous-serialize-2.2.0 * bump hdate-0.9.0 * add python-etherscan-api-0.0.3 * bump bimmer-connected-0.5.6 * add python-eq3bt-0.1.11 * bump pyyaml-5.1.2 * bump voluptuous-0.11. * bump python-slugify-3.0.3 * add pyiqvia-0.2.1 * bump numpy-1.17.0, cleanup dupes * add simplepush-1.1.4 * bump shodan-1.15.0 * bump RestrictedPython-4.0 * bump sqlalchemy-1.3.7 & cleanup dupes * bump pytz-2019.2 * bump Mastodon-py-1.4.6 * add yeelightsunflower-0.0.10 * add zengge-0.2 * bump youtube_dl-2019.8.13 * bump pyvera-0.3.4 * update eternalegypt-0.0.9 * fix metadata.xml * mutagen-1.42.0 now in main repo

2019-08-15 div updates * bump aioambient-0.3.2 * add aioautomatic-0.6.5 * bump simplisafe-python-4.3.0 * add pyspcwebgw-0.4.0 * bump pysonos-0.0.23 * add liffylights-0.9.4 * add libsoundtouch * bump life360-4.1.1 * bump androidtv-0.0.23 * add PySyncThru-0.4.{3,4} * bump zigpy-homeassistant-0.7.1 * bump frontend-20190811.0 * bump aiounifi-11

2019-08-12 homeassistant-0.97.2 * (tag: v0.97.2) update homeassistant-0.97.2 * bump pyatmo-2.2.1 * androidtv-0.0.22 bump * (tag: v0.97.1) homeassistant-0.97.1 * add incomfort-client-0.3.1 * bump librouteros-2.3.0 * bump pyvera-0.3.3 * bump ciscomobilityexpress-0.3.3 * fix https://bugs.gentoo.org/691778 * Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/onkelbeh/HomeAssistantRepository * new initrd patch * homeassistant-0.97.0 * remove olds * Release 0.97.0

2019-08-06 homeassistant-0.97.0_beta3 * add new 0.97.0_beta3 core dependencies * add immutables-0.9 * update 0.97.0_beta3 * bump frontend-20190805.0 * add zigpy-zigate-0.1.0 * add envirophat-1.0.1 * add contextvars-2.4 * bump androidtv-0.0.21 * bump pure-python-adb-homeassistant-0.1.7 (dev0) * bump aiounifi-10 * add envoy-reader-0.8.6 and requests-async-0.6.2

2019-08-05 homeassistant-0.97.0_beta2 * update homeassistant-0.97.0_beta2 * bump roku-3.1 (w/ useflag) * bump frontend to 20190804.0 * bump haanna-0.10.1 * add useflag xknx, Asynchronous Library for the KNX protocol * add useflag everlights, fix PYTHON_USEDEP * add useflags for abode & avea * fix abodepy-0.15.0 deps * disable non-working sed in ebuild * add homekit-python-0.15.0 and 2 unmet deps * add habitipy-0.3.0 * add haanna-0.10.0 * update homematicip-0.10.10 * fix ed25519-1.4 Filesize * update manifest * 0.97.0_beta1 * add vincenty-0.1.4 * bump zha-quirks-0.0.20 * bump hass-nabucasa-0.16 * bump aiounifi-9 * bump frontend-20190801.0 * add buienradar-1.0.1 * bump aiounifi-8 * add aiokafka-0.5.2 * bump frontend-20190731.0

2019-07-21 div updates * add roku-3.0 * update insteonplm-0.16.5 * bump simplisafe-python-4.2.0 * add python-ecobee-api-0.0.21 * add holidays-0.9.11 * add pylutron-0.2.2 * bump pypck-0.6.3 * add eternalegypt-0.0.8 * bump pydeconz-62 * bump pyTibber-0.11.6 * add huawei-lte-api-1.2.0 * add evdev-1.2.0 * bump ciscomobilityexpress-0.3.1 * if used, start mosquitto before hass in 0.96.5 (fixed) * add pydelijn-0.5.1 * add PyDispatcher-2.0.5 * add elkm1-lib-0.7.15 * add emulated-roku-0.1.8 * bump solax-0.1.2 * add eliqonline-1.2.2 * bump aiounifi-7 * homeassistant-0.96.5

2019-07-24 homeassistant-0.96.4 * bump geniushub-client-0.5.0 * bump cleaned pydaikin-1.6.1 * bump ZHA bellows-homeassistant-0.9.0 * Fortinet FortiGate Tracker fortiosapi-1.0.1 * Add Elgato Avea integration avea-1.2.8 * homeassistant-0.96.4 * fix forgotten pysonos manifest

2019-07-23 div updates * add pyvesync-1.1.0 * add vallox-websocket-api-2.[0,2].0 * add python-hpilo-3.9 * add python-hpilo-4.3 * bump pyatmo-2.1.2 * bump pysonos-0.0.22 * begin GPG signing * add msgpack-0.6.1

2019-07-22 homeassistant-0.96.3 * begin signing with PGP Key 3F74F05AED8CF84D * update aiocache-0.10.1 deps - add aiomcache-0.6.0 - add msgpack-0.6.1 - update aioredis-1.2.0 deps - bump hiredis-1.0.0 * add aresponses-1.1.1 * bump frontend-20190721.1, fix manifest * update Zigbee deps * update homeassistant-0.96.3 * bump frontend-20190721.0 * bump geniushub-client-0.4.15 * update zha-quirks-0.0.19 * bump frontend-20190720.0 * bump ruamel-yaml-0.15.100 * add locationsharinglib-4.0.2 * add openwebifpy RDEPEND * update openwrt-luci-rpc-1.1.0 * add pybotvac-0.0.15 * add dweepy-0.3.0 * update simplisafe-python-4.0.[0,1] * add snapcast-2.0.10 * Merge branch 'master' of matoro/HomeAssistantRepository: - dev-python/{pluggy,pytest,packaging}: fix circular deps

2019-07-20 homeassistant-0.96.2 * update homeassistant-0.96.2 * bump frontend-20190719.0 * pyhaversion add deps, exclude tests folder * home-assistant-cli experiments: - add app-misc/home-assistant-cli (with git version) - add regex - add jsonpath-rw-1.4.0 - add jdatetime-3.4.0 - add ephem- - add dateparser-0.7.1 - add convertdate-2.1.3 - upgrade to click-7.0 and make sure it hits all rebuilds ( -> platformio-4.0.0 ) * ruamel-yaml-0.15.97 is in main repo now, removed. * update CHANGELOG.md

2019-07-19 homeassistant-0.96.1 * homeassistant-0.96.1 * bump frontend-20190718.0

2019-07-18 homeassistant-0.96.0-r1 * Merge branch 'master' of matoro/HomeAssistantRepository into master - dev-python/pytest: add dev-python/packaging dep * add ujson dependency for aiocache * homeassistant-0.96.0-r1 (with working z-wave stack) * add (fixed) homeassistant-pyozw, it now compiles, short hack in unpack routine * add aiowwlln-1.0.0 aiocache dependency * add aiocache-0.10.1 * support for World Wide Lightning Location Network

2019-07-18 homeassistant-0.96.0 * homeassistant-0.96.0 * bump frontend-20190717.1 * bump mypy-0.720

2019-07-17 homeassistant-0.96.0_beta4 * homeassistant-0.96.0_beta4 * remove olds * bump youtube_dl-2019.7.16 * bump pysonos-0.0.21 * add pyeverlights-0.1.0 * add components.fortigate pyfgt==0.5.1 * bump pynuki-1.3.3, update it's deps, bump packaging-19.0 * bump luftdaten-0.6.2 & add it's deps * add Mastodon.py-1.4.5 * bump ruamel-yaml-0.15.99

2019-07-16 homeassistant-0.96.0_beta3 * sort some lists for 0.96.0_beta3 and make mgorny happy ;-) * bump frontend-20190715.0 * add my socat start skript (for the ZWaveMe UZB1 Stick) * add pyiss, Space Station Locator * add limitlessled-1.1.3 * add lightwave-0.17 * add libpurecool-0.5.0 (components.dyson) * hole-0.[3-4].0 added * Growl Notification * Growl Notification * add fiblary3==0.1.7 * add DoorBirdPy-2.0.8 * add discord.py-1.2.[2-3] * homeassistant-0.96.0_beta3

2019-07-15 homeassistant-0.96.0_beta2 * bump pyhaversion-3.0.2 * add ciscosparkapi * bump ciscomobilityexpress * add blockchain 1.4.4 * add PyQRCode * bump pyhomematic-0.1.60 * add bluetooth_tracker * update CHANGELOG.md * add vsure-1.5.3 * add twentemilieu-0.1.0 * add uvcclient * add total-connect-client-0.28 * bump youtube_dl-2019.7.12 * bump flake8 * add forgotten frontend digest * bump homeassistant-0.96.0_beta2 * bump frontend-20190712.0

2019-07-14 homeassistant-0.96.0_beta2 * add vsure-1.5.3 * add twentemilieu-0.1.0 * add uvcclient * add total-connect-client-0.28 * bump youtube_dl-2019.7.12 * bump flake8 * add forgotten frontend digest * bump homeassistant-0.96.0_beta2 * bump frontend-20190712.0 * bump homeassistant-0.96.0_beta1 * update platformio-4.0.0 * add xknx-0.11.1 * bump pysonos-0.0.20 * add more elegant patch filename from matoro

2019-07-11 homeassistant-0.96.0_beta0 * fix pyyaml-5.1.1 patch name * update homeassistant-0.96.0_beta0 * bump python-velbus-2.0.27 * add aiowwlln-1.0.0 * bump frontend-20190710.0 * add pysma-0.3.x * bump solax-0.1.1 * update all zigbee stuff * bump youtube_dl-2019.7.2 * update README.md, honor ESPhome better :-) * add aionotion-1.1.0 * add Honeywell Support * bump homematicip-0.10.9 * add aurorapy-0.2.6 * bump frontend 20190705.0 * evohomeclient-0.3.3 * add insteonplm * add hdate-0.8.8 * bump pySwitchmate * upgrade pytest to 5.0.1 with dependencies * add sleepyq-0.7 * bump mypy-0.7x * add tuyaha-0.0.1 * bump cryptography-2.7 * bump pyatmo-2.1.1 * bump pyHik-0.2.3 * bump pysonos-0.0.19 * bump androidtv-0.0.18

2019-07-02 waiting for a new release... * bump frontend-20190702.0 * add python-pushover-0.4 * bump pysonos-0.0.18 * bump life360-4.0.1

2019-07-01 misc python ebuilds * bump pytest-4.6.3 & -5.0.0 * bump androidtv-0.0.17 * bump frontend-20190630.0 * add bcrypt-3.1.7 * bump importlib-metadata-0.18 * bump youtube_dl-2019.6.27 * add praw-6.3.1 * bump psutil-5.6.3 * add Jinja2-2.10.1 * add PyFronius * bump PyYAML-5.1.1 * (tag: v0.95.4) homeassistant-0.95.4 * bump numpy-1.16.4 * bump SQLAlchemy-1.3.5 * add luftdaten-0.6.1 * bump frontend-20190627.0 * (tag: v0.95.2) homeassistant-0.95.2 * bump zha-quirks-0.0.17 * (tag: v0.95.1) bump homeassistant-0.95.1 * bump pubnubsub-handler-1.0.8 * (tag: v0.95.0) homeassistant-0.95.0 * homeassistant-0.95.0 * update platformio-3.6.7 * bump frontend-20190626.0 * add GitPython-2.1.11 * fix some deps in 0.95.0_beta3 and 0.95.0_beta4 * (tag: v0.95.0_beta4) re-add fixed homeassistant-0.95.0_beta4 * bump frontend-20190624.0 & 1 * bump pyatmo-2.1.0 * (tag: v0.95.0_beta3) update homeassistant-0.95.0_beta3 * bump homeassistant-0.95.0_beta3 (beta4 is unusable) * bump bellows-homeassistant-0.8.2 * bump pysonos-0.0.17

2019-06-24 homeassistant-0.95.0_beta2 * bump homeassistant-0.95.0_beta2 * add dark sky use flag * add missing cacerts.patch for certifi-2019.6.16 * update requests-2.22.0 dependencies * add python-forecastio-1.4.0 * add responses-0.10.6 * bump certifi-2019.6.16 * bump urllib3-1.25.3 * bump zigpy-homeassistant-0.6.1 * bump zha-quirks-0.0.15 * bump solax-0.1.0 * bump pypck-0.6.2 * bump youtube_dl-2019.6.8 * bump pyatmo-2.0.1 * bump async-upnp-client-0.14.10 * unlock blinkpy's dateutil version

2019-06-22 homeassistant 0.95.0_beta1 * homeassistant 0.95.0_beta1 * update/add all components for zha - bump bellows-homeassistant-0.8.1 - add click-log-0.3.2.ebuild - add crccheck-0.6.ebuild - add pure-pcapy3-1.0.1.ebuild - add pyserial-asyncio-0.4.ebuild - bump zigpy-deconz-0.1.6.ebuild * add BlinkStick & pyusb * bump blinkpy-0.14.1 * add pysmartapp * bump pysmartthings-0.6.9 * add getmac * add python-twitch-client * add python-telegram-bot * add python-telnet-vlc * bump frontend 20190620.0 * addvenstarcolortouch * add volkszaehler * add vigilancemeteo * forward Xiaomi patch from zhtengw:master to the newer releases * Merge pull request #4 from zhtengw/master (Xioami miio Support as dependecy) * Merge branch 'master' into master * ser2net advice added * esphome & homeassistant works again * bump esphome to 1.13.6 * OpenZWave added to README.md

2019-06-21 0.95.0 now runs with a newer pyyaml-5.1, so esphome can be run in the same environment again. ser2net advice added to README.md esphome & homeassistant works again bump esphome to 1.13.6 OpenZWave added to README.md fix nabucasa-0.15 deps homeassistant-0.95.0_beta0 snitun dep moved 2 nabucasa bump snitun 0.18 update homeassistant-0.95.0_beta0, started to integrate OpenZWave (yet incomplete) add older solaredge-local-0.1.4 (still in requirements_all) bump pysonos 0.0.16 bump frontend-20190619.0 update & bmp geopy from main repo (untested) bump aioesphomeapi-2.2.0 update hass-nabucasa-0.15 update geniushub-client-0.4.12 update androidtv-0.0.16 update pysonos-0.0.15 bump Ambiclimate-0.2.0 bump aioambient-0.3.1 pydispatcher now is in main Repo fix checkmyreqs remove tests from checkmyreqs add checkmyreqs add aioswitcher bump meteoalertapi-0.1.5 add deluge-client bump nessclient-0.9.15 bump pyatmo-2.0.0 bump frontend-20190614.0

2019-06-14 bump adguardhome-0.2.1 bump hass-nabucasa-0.14 bump toonapilib-3.2.4 bump zigpy-homeassistant-0.5.0 bump pyvera-0.3.2 with more elegant no_test patch

2019-06-12 add pymediaroom add pymitv add pymfy bump pyubee-0.7 update ambiclimate-0.1.3 update ambiclimate-0.1.3 bump broadlink-0.11.1 homeassistant-0.94.2

2019-06-09 * homeassistant-0.94.1 * homeassistant-0.94.0 * simplisafe-python-3.4.2 * add denonavr * add solaredge-local, uplink (fixed test) & uplink-protobuf * add rflink-0.0.46 * bump meteoalertapi-0.1.3 * remove pyvera's test package * bump pydeconz-60 * bump amcrest-1.5.3 * bump pubnubsub-handler-1.0.7 * bump pyhomematic-0.1.59 * bump axis-25 * add life360-4.0.0 * bump regenmaschine-1.5.1 * bump ruamel-yaml-0.15.97 * bump pypck-0.6.1 * add pysmarty * add streamlabswater-1.0.1 * bump youtube_dl-2019.5.20.ebuild * bump youtube_dl-2019.5.11.ebuild * bump meteofrance-0.3.7 * bump zeroconf-0.23.0 * frontend-20190604.0 * pyvera 0.3.1

2019-06-04 bump aioesphomeapi-2.1.0 add components.unifi Updated frontend to 20190602.0

2019-06-02 Home Assistant 0.94.0_beta4 * remove displaced adguardhome * fix importlib-metadata dependency * homeassistant-0.94.0_beta4 * add zipp-0.5.1 * allow newer dev-python/requests (experimental) * add components.mcp23017 * add pypck * blink motion detection * add solax * bump pyatmo * add google_travel_time * add gpiozero * bump geniushub-client-0.4.11 * add importlib-metadata * bump pydeconz * bump PyEssent * bump pubnubsub-handler * add pyruter * add pyrepetier * bump pysonos * bump broadlink * bump pyTibber * bump nabucasa * add fitbit * bump axis-24 * bump adguardhome * ZHA requirements version bump * bump PyChromecast * python-velbus bumped * add adguardhome * bump various frontend * Merged pull request #3 from evadim/master (esphome to 1.13) * (tag: v0.93.2) 0.93.2 * update license strings * fix some License Strings * add geniushub-client-0.4.9 * axis-23 * pyloopenergy-0.1.3 * pydaikin-1.4.5 * broadlink-0.10 * bump requests-2.22.0 * cumulate CHANGELOG.md * add metadata.xml 4 librouteros * add support for MikroTik RouterOS API

2019-05-20 homeassistant-0.93.1 * add support for MikroTik RouterOS API * add pycrypto dependency * bump homeassistant-0.93.1 * release 0.93.0 * bump 0.93.0_beta4 & frontend-20190514.0 * add aiodns * bump geniushub-client-0.4.6 * add meteoalertapi * pysmartthings-0.6.8.ebuild * add Wink API * bump zha-quirks * add sendgrid-6.0.5 * bump pyheos * bump components.zha * bump WazeRouteCalculator * manifest * set ~homeassistant-0.93.0_beta2 * bump pyvlx-0.2.11 * BMW Connected Drive (does not yet compile) * add bizkaibus2 * spotcrime-1.0.4 * add tapsaff-0.2.1 * add slacker * add shodan-1.13.0 * pydeconz-58 * PySwitchbot-0.6.2 * add home-assistant-frontend-20190502.0 * bump pyTibber-0.10.3 * homeassistant-0.93.0_beta2 * cryptography-2.6.1 now in main repo * bump home-assistant-frontend-20190510.0 * add speedtest-cli-2.1.1 * add defusedxml-0.6.0 * remove olds * bump zeroconf-0.22.0 * bump sqlalchemy-1.3.3 * bump psutil-5.6.2 * bump numpy-1.16.3 * homeassistant-0.92.2 * add pymyq-1.2.1 * add pyvesync-v2-0.9.7 * bump pyheos-0.5.1 * add hangups==0.4.9 * add bomradarloop-0.1.3 * added Ambiclimate * pyeconet-0.0.11 * bump youtube_dl-2019.4.30 * bump pydanfossair-0.1.0 * added PyEssent * bump pysonos-0.0.12 * add RPi.GPIO-0.6.5 * bump PyXiaomiGateway * bump pydeconz * add geniushub-client * add py-nextbus-0.1.2 * add homeassistant.components.amcrest * bump PyChromecast-3.2.1 * bump pysonos-0.0.11 * bump frontend 20190427.0 * homeassistant-0.92.1 * bump pyheos-0.4.1

2019-04-25 homeassistant/homeassistant-0.92.0.ebuild * add homeassistant-0.92.0.ebuild * bump frontend-20190424.0 * bump pyheos-0.4.1 * add pyubee-0.6 * add enocean-0.50.1 * bump ruamel-yaml-0.15.94 * bump youtube_dl-2019.4.17 * bump attrs-19.1.0 * bump aioesphomeapi-2.0.1

2019-04-21 some modules * Add Orange Pi GPIO platform * add zha-quirks * add pyotp-2.2.6 * Bump zigpy and zigpy-xbee * Bump zigpy-deconz * bump pyheos-0.4.0 * bump hass-nabucasa-0.12 * bump pyHS100-0.3.5 * add axis * bump pyatmo

2019-04-20 homeassistant-0.92.0_beta2 * bump 0.92.0_beta2

2019-04-18 homeassistant-0.92.0_beta1 & homeassistant-0.91.4 * finally add homeassistant-0.92.0_beta1 * bump frontend-20190417.0 * fix rsa-4.0 * add hbmqtt-0.9.4 and fix it's bad 'tests' installation * bump androidtv-0.0.15 * add transitions-0.6.9 * bump caldav-0.6.1 * bump netdisco-2.6.0 * add pyasn1-0.4.5 * add urllib3-1.24.2 * add user-agents-2.0 * add websockets-7.0 * bump python-slugify-3.0.2 * add text-unidecode-1.2 * bump python-slugify-3.0.2 * add text-unidecode-1.2 (tag: v0.91.4, origin/master, origin/HEAD, github/master) homeassistant-0.91.4 (tag: v0.91.3) v0.91.3

2019-04-13 last months changes b18ee0d bump home-assistant-frontend-20190410.0 992b52a pyyaml-5.1 now in main repo e56267d homematicip-0.10.7 34fe523 pytz-2019.1 2ec0470 ruamel-yaml-0.15.91 3921d37 youtube_dl-2019.4.7 f8ce1e5 pyhaversion-2.0.3 df090df pyhaversion-2.2.0 22840dc pysonos-0.0.10 22c5c05 pysonos-0.0.9 cf6f2c0 aioesphomeapi-2.0.0 ed15b91 openwebifpy-3.1.1 72fc3e0 aioambient-0.3.0 962df91 homeassistant-pyozw-0.1.4 538eeb4 pure-python-adb-homeassistant-0.1.6 42e5751 fix forgotten Manifest 15d7f57 try to get androidtv working, still does not 5292d30 bump cryptography-2.6.1 c9d1f24 bump PyJWT-1.7.1 094132f add req older pywebpush f1a37f0 add librouteros 5e3c2ec bump enigma openwebifpy c2ca8da add pywebpush 4120d26 bump aioambient-0.2.0 a6a651c aioharmony-0.1.11 f347508 bump pyTibber-0.10.1 bb9321d add pyheos ba1ff33 bump frontend 20190331.0 360a869 add lightify 31b6627 fix frontend dep 24969db bump PyChromecast 33e11b2 try pure-python ADB 73894ec bump homeassistant 0.90.2 9af5537 androidtv-0.0.14 98d4249 sqlalchemy-1.3.0 ba6c1e7 bump frontend 83aa763 ha-ffmpeg-2.0 10e94df homeassistant-pyozw-0.1. 1b66e9b bump zigpy 510c3fe pylinky-0.3.3 b32dc36 bellows-homeassistant-0.7.2 eb047b6 async-upnp-client-0.14.7 53284ab bump nabucasa-0.11 89067d4 Merge pull request #2 from evadim/master 660bb78 (tag: v0.90.1) homeassistant-0.90.1 3a3d41f homeassistant-0.90.1 test build 0b81c23 bump frontend-20190321.0 5bf4e23 bump hass-nabucasa-0.10 accc309 bump esphome 1.12 deps 6c06e49 v0.90.0_beta7 05a6f1d bump frontend-20190319.1 64cf088 cleanup 9d3320f Merge branch 'master' of https://git.edevau.net/onkelbeh/HomeAssistantRepository 6ec8b6b removed older ebuilds 925bd00 new platformio-3.6.5, forbid pyserial-3.3, License updated

2019-03-15 new 0.90.0_beta6, alotta new deps * extend aioasuswrt deps * fix warrant for pip10 * fix aioasuswrt-1.1.21 * add a patch for unnecessary wakeonlan-1.1.6 setuptools-scm version restriction * bump snitun-0.15 * fix wakeonlan-1.1.6 compile error (setuptools) * add python-tado * bump aioesphomeapi-1.7.0 * Update Hass-NabuCasa 0.8 * bump frontend-20190319.0 * bump youtube_dl-2019.3.18 * esphome bump 1.12.0 * new esphome-1.12.0_beta3 * add hass-nabucasa-0.7 and pbr-5.1.3 * bump s3transfer-0.2.0 * bump s3transfer-0.2.0 * bump pyrfc3339-1.1 * removed pycparser dupe * remove vobject- dupe * set 2_7 target back on in botocore-1.12.115 * jmespath-0.9.4 replaced * repl python-dateutil-2.8.0 * update boto3/botocore * removed pyOpenSSL dupe * fix certifi-2019.3.9 (thx to salfter) * cffi revdeps fixed * botocore -2_7 * remove dupes * simplify vobject * reduce COMPAT cffi * replace requests-toolbelt-0.9.1 * websocket-client-0.54.0 without pypy * relink acme-0.32.0 * fix qnapstats * fix acme manifest * snitun-0.13 added * add six-1.12.0 * add requests-toolbelt-0.9.1 * bump pytz-2018.9 * add python-dateutil-2.8.0 * add pyOpenSSL-19.0.0 * add pycryptodome-3.7.3 * add pycparser-2.19 * add jmespath-0.9.4 * add certifi-2019.3.9 & cffi-1.12.2 * add asn1crypto-0.24.0 * add acme-0.32.0 * bump envs-1.3 * netdisco-2.5.0 bump * make the betas beta! * add ciscomobilityexpress api * finally rename firetv to androidtv * bump pyhomematic-0.1.58 * add quantum-gateway-0.0.5 * bump anthemav-1.1.10 * firetv is now androidtv * upgrade ruamel-yaml-0.15.89 * add new betas -0.90.0_beta4, frontend -20190316.0 * esphome: rewrite for beta support & 1.12.0_beta1

20190315 new 0.90.0_beta0 * (tag: v0.90.0_beta0) homeassistant-0.90.0_beta0 * frontend-20190312.0 * Bump nessclient version to 0.9.14 * Bump PyXiaomiGateway * bump frontend * bump netdisco-2.4.0 * add enigma2.media_player * homeassistant-0.89.2 * fixed bug #679916, 'bad<83>' chars substituted * (tag: v0.89.1) Release 0.89.1 * (tag: v0.89.0) Release homeassistant-0.89.0

2019-03-05 new 0.89.0_beta3 * release 0.89.0_beta3 * bump frontend-20190305.0

2019-03-05 new 0.89.0_beta2 * release 0.89.0_beta2 * bump frontend-20190303.0 * add websocket-client-0.54.0 * add homematicip * bump aioasuswrt-1.1.21 * bump pysonos-0.0.8

2019-03-30 update requirements * add simplisafe-python * add python-velbus * bump pyhomematic-0.1.57 * add pyvesync_v2 * bump blinkpy-0.13.1 * bump PyXiaomiGateway * PyMata added * add PyNaCl * add pyxeoma * bump zigpy-deconz * add regenmaschine * add python-mystrom * bump numpy-1.16.2 * firetv small changes * bump opensensemap-api * add pyflunearyou2 * add py17track * add pypollencom * add pyoppleio * add pyopenuv2 * add ihcsdk * bump home-assistant-frontend-20190228.0 * add pyTibber-0.9.6 * bump aioambient-0.1.3

2019-02-27 update requirements * astral-1.10.1 upgraded * pylgtv-0.1.9 added * upgrade bcrypt-3.1.6 * water_heater.econet component added * add homeassistant.components.reddit.sensor * add PyXiaomiGateway * add toonapilib component * update firetv component * add aioesphomeapi-1.6.0 & it's use flag * add pylinky-0.3.0 * add pysonos-0.0.7 * add WazeRouteCalculator-0.9 * add nessclient-0.9.13 * add (old) shodan-1.11.0.ebuild

2019-02-24 update requirements * add pyvlx-0.2.9 * openwrt-luci-rpc-1.0.5 added * pySDCP-1 added * nessclient-0.9.10 added * shodan-1.11.1 added * iperf3 added

2019-02-23 homeassistant-0.88.1 released * add apcaccess-0.0.13 * add tplink-0.2.3 * add anthemav==1.1.9 * release 0.88.0 * update pyhomematic-0.1.56 * upgrade opensensemap-api-0.1.4 * Bump zigpy * homeassistant-0.88.0_beta4 * update frontend-20190219.0 * update aioharmony-0.1.8 * upgrade numpy-1.16.1 * (tag: v0.88.0_beta3) add frontend-20190218.0 * homeassistant-0.88.0_beta3 * add aiohue * add aioimaplib

2019-02-18 home-assistant-frontend-20190216.0 * add pyblackbird-0.5 * add PyDispatcher-2.0.5 * add pydeconz-52 * bump psutil-5.5.1 * add pyEight-0.1.1 * bump sqlalchemy-1.2.18 * add youtube_dl-2019.2.18 * voluptuous-serialize-2.1.0

2019-02-16 home-assistant-frontend-20190216.0 * update home-assistant-frontend-20190216.0 * update PyChromecast-2.5.2 * add konnected * add lakeside-0.12 * add pyotp-2.2.7 * add pyowlet-1.0.2 * add pyowm-2.10.0 * add thermoworks_smoke-0.1.8 * remove pysmartthings (talks to much) * expand dependencies for - aioambient-0.1.2 deps - lakeside - konnected - powm - PyChromecast - coveralls-1.5.1 * pyowm-2.10.0 works * add pip-19.0.2 (now works) * expand PYTHON_COMPAT for vanilla sphinx compatibility * add dev-python/tox-travis * add coveralls-1.5.1 * complete requirements_test.txt - add mock-open-1.3.1 - add mypy-0.650 - add pytest-sugar-0.9.2 * add new USE flag 'test'

2019-02-16 homeassistant-0.88.0_beta1 * update homeassistant-0.88.0_beta1 * update home-assistant-frontend-20190215.0 * update PyChromecast-2.5.1 * update aioambient-0.1.2 * add pyHik * add pycarwings2 * add pydanfossair * bump pypoint-1.1.1 * add pysmartthings

2019-02-15 div Updates * bump home-assistant-frontend==20190213.0, remove 20190201 * Upgrade ruamel.yaml to 0.15.88, remove 0.15.72-80 * add pypoint-1.0.7-8 * add meteofrance-0.3.4 * add 0.88.0_beta0, with new deps: - astral-1.9.2 - cryptography-2.5 - RestrictedPython-4.0_beta8 - ruamel-yaml-0.15.88 - setuptools-40.8.0 - rxv-0.6.0 - home-assistant-frontend-20190213.0 * removed some older aiohttp ebuilds

2019-02-13 div Updates * Update sqlalchemy-1.2.17, remove sqlalchemy-1.2.11 * add aioambient-0.1.1 * add CO2Signal-0.4.2 * add PyChromecast-2.5.0 * add aioharmony-0.1.7 * bump home-assistant-frontend==20190212.0, remove 20190120.0 - 20190130.0 * fixed SRC_URI handling for RestrictedPython, and added 4.0_beta8 * bump cryptography-2.5 * add pyatmo-1.8 * add pyarlo-0.2.3 * and somebody renamed esphomeyaml to esphome, renamed and hacked a fix for archived SRC_URIs * add platformio-core 3.6.3 & 3.6.4 * change License to GNU General Public License v3.0

2019-02-12 div Updates * Update pyHS100 to 0.3.4 * bump aioesphomeapi-1.5.0 * bump ruamel-yaml-0.15.87 * add zm-py-0.3.3 * add slixmpp-1.4.2 * add ebusdpy-0.0.16 * add PyGithub-1.43.5 * add more useflags (denon & zoneminder)

2019-02-10 homeassistant-0.87.1 * bump homeassistant-0.87.1

2019-02-07 homeassistant-0.87.0 * bump homeassistant-0.87.0 * astral-1.9.2 added * PySwitchmate-0.4.5 added * distro-1.4.0 added

2019-02-06 homeassistant-0.87.0_beta6 * homeassistant-0.87.0_beta6 * WazeRouteCalculator-0.6 added * tellduslive-0.10.10 added

2019-02-05 small changes * add speedtest-cli-2.0.2 to v0.87.0_beta5 * add ha-ffmpeg-1.11

2019-02-05 v0.87.0_beta5 * add async-upnp-client-0.14.4 * add flake8-3.7.5

2019-02-04 v0.87.0_beta5 * add homeassistant-0.87.0_beta5.ebuild * bump frontend to20190203.0 * add ha-ffmpeg-1.11 * add speedtest-cli-2.0.2

2019-02-03 v0.87.0_beta4 * add homeassistant-0.87.0_beta4.ebuild * add rxv-0.6.0 (unsued) * bump frontend to20190202.0

2019-02-02 v0.87.0_beta2 * add homeassistant-0.87.0_beta2.ebuild * No other changes

2019-02-02 v0.87.0_beta1 * bump frontend to20190201.0

2019-02-01 v0.87.0_beta0 * blinkpy-0.12.1 added

2019-01-30 v0.87.0_beta0 * add homeassistant-0.87.0_beta0.ebuild * frontend-20190130.1 * async-upnp-client-0.14.3 added * pymodbus added * experiments with docs: - sphinx-1.8.3 (dependecy problems) - sphinx-autodoc-typehints-1.6.0 added (dependecy problems) - sphinx-autodoc-annotation-1.0-r1 added (dependecy problems)

2019-01-30 Added some Ebuilds * pymodbus-2.1.0 and 1.5.0 added * async-upnp-client0.14.3 and required python-didl-lite added

2019-01-29 Release homeassistant-0.86.4 * bump homeassistant-0.86.4, no other changes * added variable version for SRC_URI to aioasuswrt * Upgrade aioasuswrt-1.1.20

2019-01-27 Release homeassistant-0.86.3 * removed useless dropbox use flag * tested compilation of homeassistant-0.86.3 with all use flags set on an empty box with python-3.6.5 without problems * CO2Signal added * adb-homeassistant PYTHON_COMPAT7 * blinkpy added * Upgrade astral to 1.8 (#20459) * Upgrade sqlalchemy to 1.2.16 (#20474) * Upgrade psutil to 5.5.0 (#20462) * small dep changes in homeassistant-0.86.2.ebuild * adjust warrant-0.6.1 patch * adjust caldav-0.5.0-top_level.patch * qnapstats-0.3.0 added * Update pyhomematic to 0.1.55 * ioasuswrt-1.1.18 (with dep) added * Upgrade numpy to 1.16.0

2019-01-26 Compile from Scratch Test * compile homeassistant-0.86.2 with all use flags set, * had to fix all paths in 2 patches (warrant-0.6.1 and caldav-0.5.0) * added haproxy dependecy * added asuswrt qnap and homematic dependency * removed default for mysql use flag

2019-01-25 Release v0.86.2 * homeassistant-0.86.2

2019-01-23 Release v0.86.1 * homeassistant-0.86.1

2019-01-23 v0.86.0_beta3 * homeassistant-0.86.0_beta3 * with frontend-20190121.1 * change older Beta's to BETA

2019-01-21 v0.86.0_beta2 * bump pysonos-0.0.6 * bump aioesphomeapi-1.4.2 * homeassistant-0.86.0_beta2 * frontend-20190120.0 and * frontend-20190121.0

2019-01-18 0.86.0_beta0 * changed/added some missing/wrong licenses * added much more python3_7 TARGETS * removed lots of old CVS tags * README.md updated * pyjwt Digest verification corrected * pyjwt license corrected * pyunifi license corrected * click > 6 for platformio did not work * esphomeyaml moved * pynuki added * move esphomeyaml to dev-embedded * allow click > 6 for platformio (experimental) * (tag: v0.86.0_beta0) homeassistant-0.86.0_beta0 added * aiohttp-3.5.4 added

2019-01-15 new lib * abodepy-0.15.0 added (requires very old lomond-0.1.14) * lomond-0.1.14 added

2019-01-13 some new ebuilds * pydocstyle-3.0.0 added * pytest-cov-2.6.1 added * mypy-0.650 added * pytest-4.1.0 update * last aioesphomeapi-1.3.0 added (1.4.1 too new) * pyunifi-2.16 added * pylast-3.0.0 added

2019-01-12 esphomeyaml (python2_7) * add tzlocal-1.4 for esphomeyaml * add python2_7 compatibility in colorlog-4.0.2.ebuild for esphomeyaml * add esphomeyaml-1.10.0

2019-01-11 Release 0.85.1 * update ruamel-yaml-0.15.85 * update mutagen-1.42.0 * update keyring-17.1.1 * update home-assistant-frontend-20190109.1

2019-01-10 final 0.85.0-r2 release and some more opts * added home-assistant-frontend-20190109.0 * did a new compile test on a fresh empty box from scratch, now works good, compiling in a ramdisk adds ~4GB to the snapshot. * add sample files for /etc/portage: - use mariadb client without db - fix dependency block with mysql - add repos.conf sample * fix adb python targets * fix pywemo targets * fix pyHS100 targets * fix fix pyHS100 dependency case * homeassistant-0.85.0 logdir will now be created * async_timeout-3.0.1 fix * ua-parser-0.8.0 fix * v0.85.0 release 10.1.2019 (sorry, did not compile on empty box if python 2.7 is still installed, deleted this release, think I'll have to set up a test branch) * add new pytest, pyhomematic, keyring (experimental), aioesphomeapi ebuilds * warrant-0.6.1 update PYTHON_TARGETS * aiocoap-0.4_alpha3 add missing encoding (Umlaut breaks setup.py)

2019-01-09 0.85.0_beta1 * homeassistant-0.85.0_beta1 added * bump beautifulsoup-4.7.1 * update rxv-0.6.0 (not needed for beta1 yet) * update jsonrpc-base-1.0.2, jsonrpc-websocket-1.0.1 (not needed for beta1 yet) * cleanup some deps to requirements_all.txt * update ifaddr-0.1.6 * update netdisco-2.3.0

2019-01-09 0.85.0_beta0 * homeassistant-0.85.0_beta0 added * cleanup some deps to requirements_all.txt * typing_extensions>=3.6.5' is required by aiohttp, fix uncommon underscore MY_P=- * Unidecode>=0.04.16' is required by python-slugify * requests needs python2_7 caused by ssl-fetch * remove unneeded 3.0.5 patch from aiohttp-3.5.1 * botocore needs python2_7 caused by s3transfer-0.1.13-r1 * reduce PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{6,7} ) for ome edited packages * add (old) aioftp-0.10.1 * add aiohttp-3.5.1 * add aiohttp-cors-0.7.0 * add bcrypt-3.1.5 (not needed yet) * add beautifulsoup-4.7.1 * Python 3.7 -> requirements-parser-0.2.0, requests-2.21.0, construct-2.9.45, cdu-0.1.3 * Python 3.7 -> caldav-0.5.0, botocore-1.12.57, boto3-1.9.57, async_timeout-3.0.1 * Python 3.7 -> astral-1.7.1, aiohttp-cors-0.7.0, colorlog-4.0.2, aiohttp & aioftp * Python 3.7 compat aiocoap-0.4_alpha3, adb-homeassistant-1.3.1

2019-01-06 some Preps * patch for caldav-0.5.0 added, works now * RestrictedPython-4.0_beta_pre7 added * maxcube-api-0.1.0 added, got a use flag * pywemo-0.4.38 added * pyHS100-0.3.3 added * 85.0 should arrive shortly, added homeassistant-0.85.0.ebuild - sorted/cleaned dependecies - bumped version to aiohttp-3.4.4, beautifulsoup-4.6.3, colorlog-4.0.2, pytradfri-6.0.1 and websocket-client-0.48.0, pip-9.0.1-r1, jsonrpc-websocket-1.0.1, jsonrpc-base-1.0.2, gTTS-token-1.1.3, pywemo-0.4.38 - added setuptools-40.6.3, warrant-0.6.1, zeroconf-0.21.3 - new use flag for rxv, maxcube-api

2018-12-31 some preps * warrant-0.6.1 added, compiles now with a patch * jsonrpc-base fixes * add requirements-parser (for local cleanup) * add some version bumps to prepare for the upcoming HA release as seen in their git code * some repoman required cleanup: - add missing metadata.xml - fix LICENSE for some ebuilds - fix 3 ebuild.badheader

2018-12-27 follow requirements for upcoming release * aiohttp-3.5.1 upgrade

2018-12-23 some deps * colorlog-4.0.2 upgrade * adb-homeassistant-1.3.1 update * requests-2.21.0 update * libusb1-1.7 (new) * rsa-4.0 (new) * beautifulsoup-4.6.3 update * firetv-1.0.7 (new) * pytradfri-6.0.1 update * ruamel-yaml-0.15.81 update * pyatv-0.3.12 update * Added a Changelog