update protobuf-3.20.1

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Billmeier 2022-05-26 12:04:27 +02:00 committed by Andreas Billmeier
parent ef67340b0d
commit 68c60a8638
Signed by: onkelbeh
GPG Key ID: E6DB12C8C550F3C0
14 changed files with 828 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -524,14 +524,14 @@ A daily compile test is run at Github with Python 3.9 to catch general faults. E
## Licenses
This repository itself is released under GPL-3 (like most Gentoo repositories), all work on the depending components under the licenses they came from. Perhaps you came here because I filed an issue at your component about a bad or missing license. It is easy to [assign a license](https://docs.github.com/en/communities/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions/adding-a-license-to-a-repository). During cleanups and license investigations I have been asked often which license to choose. I am not a lawyer, but I can offer the following table, counted over this repository, perhaps this helps your decision. If a package has more than one license listed, all of them are counted.
There are 1728 Ebuilds in total, 1721 of them have in total 1728 (35 different) licenses assigned.
There are 1731 Ebuilds in total, 1724 of them have in total 1731 (35 different) licenses assigned.
|License| Ebuilds using it|

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
AUX 70protobuf-gentoo.el 170 BLAKE2B 6d9a92bd3310ca09d18dd762bc0bbd4b0b36184c17f95c80c02183c457fe4ff1142ca1e3207e5a77c078fe5f768cb3e85abc712abc1f4c85774ca1ebf178059b SHA512 ed73cd6b1bf6c0019e4da73c3a480b0f917e949dfad2696336e805263c81610b2a8a0514840e389db0f0e78252cf053d754c5e07731dc5e9c93c9e88f0b2923c
AUX proto.vim 49 BLAKE2B 9b6d31105811a8f8cbcf76328172fda5b66b33351bb16573ed1ed08d4c553af2805962a6d6609fbdad4a2644bf9cecd1e771a557f138111ad2c0be959b497ee9 SHA512 65c1f49887c17973d1dfce07fa86d04c5079d2382826eaeb22e128570717f181c53d22ba50905252021f7e476a90ecd29f9d18799c1ccea64b01f4638323538e
AUX protobuf-3.16.0-protoc_input_output_files.patch 10060 BLAKE2B e91d2e60ec9a901df0b0e11a8e51ff92b8765357e052231a915a2afa996c78096e18cf443708bf32e51b882c3fe2512e2ab9f7bb8ec1c6141f2c9bb7fb98af95 SHA512 03721151866f25564e203eb5af987649bf3c148ba7b9e1a2a837b336062b911d892714c4deaa5b19572a3ec47e3b309114ce67b0ec0adcff50d208b73283a7b5
AUX protobuf-3.17.0-disable_no-warning-test.patch 965 BLAKE2B 584b43b43861280254f92ad48d8a068b6427e1af3822097f2ddd872983fae11f3bd7af1d73b9b58592987ac4aff7399fa31291e21db6656518bce10c5977a785 SHA512 a67fe3231064c1cf3f4ca94be4248fd65f455b1aaa1d1a09afae847a9b9bbae9673d1fec177e822abe0a83b2fe3342bd20dd9aff87adea0dddcc05309aaca682
AUX protobuf-3.17.0-system_libraries.patch 6299 BLAKE2B a9252af294342e0a12137c618bc1e6fbe9aa021feaa458c2638aaf407dd6a43473587b7ac3e7278217874e5091ff7337234594715daa7567c9d3cf1bd3191973 SHA512 1d712f886e28907d5a5bef414c9fec56d1c056c316428f6e05fdfb87494e93506c17ff6dd5cff4ec716a6f20b56258393773701cdb6b04f87e44264a919a588e
AUX protobuf-3.19.0-disable_no-warning-test.patch 1620 BLAKE2B e4f324ed59b2c31662cc625e9d3f1fdb20ee2a25769dbf86093e5000f73a01e11f05459989aaefeaf0414648cd52f1f1025b9d4f1423cdca4844e42e96f54836 SHA512 8c4bc72976a7eb3418b51e7a1c45b49d7ffaeb91a86f440008e6f162773b1db7afed4a6ae1d0b3510d49361c369b6552a9ba4976d104d804d825227aa7113d95
AUX protobuf-3.19.0-system_libraries.patch 7514 BLAKE2B 1ff5c226232c325ed48cf16e2c47652615c4bd1503f1be8560e7f2e8658ffefeffeef72a6baf4368f758e30a4a81d582769b61dd0b3e383c8188cd03bf409c01 SHA512 b6a58e483dbb1f6151c2f7c735fbd55f34bcf98d6370eabb425dbd96e10cb87e8dfbf5024ad8f888cb80a095bc26598aceb55d576d37166550ee62db41c51a44
DIST protobuf-3.20.1.tar.gz 5368262 BLAKE2B 1ce1aef2e4c4f3ea4863629cc75d89fe17d0c7ac0c342ac641c787456fd4a12756c2892a27ddadedc94a7201494ec84566638ce33a03cb0c867b04e9eee0edb3 SHA512 fde3eb9f13946887ddfd87df428c5615ad09aaf191e4478b24e98e5e13231feeff4e70b4ca6a2ff7d9b9b2e2c60bc1d5479526edeafa78f9a8ed3bef2e0bacb0
EBUILD protobuf-3.20.1.ebuild 4138 BLAKE2B b37b99abbd41acfb2299e1a054d3c36547bdd63542ecc76d03d69344d7e89a03870eda97bba1ae6ae3284c33abdfca6930e74b6ab7109d93cd588c522d6d52f6 SHA512 2eadab6fd0f4b30338a294b69c866ff945e98f05549403484700b2e44314433736a682ab033bc4c2eb0a802934cba92567e6c9bad4d30d79a67d671f88e04591
MISC metadata.xml 595 BLAKE2B ba1b916e26b1e53f68e660f03d2e53fea8d22db04e8241ebec3ec20fbb251c2b164cf25d5fb6118423ce7721a822ae2302aab137b0748730e9a6860bf8e65668 SHA512 785e2550621b79b6350e1a6b52ed9992610769885fb29a9e92ee45a35158cc08707a3590dfcbece9ee9a5e16e1abfb614e8186132da7b942f2761b5e6ecfa827

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(add-to-list 'load-path "@SITELISP@")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.proto\\'" . protobuf-mode))
(autoload 'protobuf-mode "protobuf-mode" "Google protobuf mode." t)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.proto set filetype=proto

View File

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
--- /src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface.cc
+++ /src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface.cc
@@ -1110,6 +1110,28 @@
if (mode_ == MODE_ENCODE || mode_ == MODE_DECODE) {
+ bool success = false;
+ int in_fd = STDIN_FILENO;
+ int out_fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
+ if (!protobuf_in_path_.empty()) {
+ in_fd = open(protobuf_in_path_.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
+ if (in_fd == -1) {
+ std::cerr << protobuf_in_path_ << ": error: failed to open file." << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!protobuf_out_path_.empty()) {
+ out_fd = open(protobuf_out_path_.c_str(),
+ 0644);
+ if (out_fd == -1) {
+ std::cerr << protobuf_out_path_ << ": error: failed to open file." << std::endl;
+ close(in_fd);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
if (codec_type_.empty()) {
// HACK: Define an EmptyMessage type to use for decoding.
DescriptorPool pool;
@@ -1118,13 +1140,20 @@
GOOGLE_CHECK(pool.BuildFile(file) != NULL);
codec_type_ = "EmptyMessage";
- if (!EncodeOrDecode(&pool)) {
- return 1;
- }
+ success = EncodeOrDecode(&pool, in_fd, out_fd);
} else {
- if (!EncodeOrDecode(descriptor_pool.get())) {
- return 1;
- }
+ success = EncodeOrDecode(descriptor_pool.get(), in_fd, out_fd);
+ }
+ if (in_fd != STDIN_FILENO) {
+ close(in_fd);
+ }
+ if (out_fd != STDOUT_FILENO) {
+ close(out_fd);
+ }
+ if (!success) {
+ return 1;
@@ -1163,6 +1192,11 @@
for (int i = 0; i < proto_path_.size(); i++) {
source_tree->MapPath(proto_path_[i].first, proto_path_[i].second);
+ if (mode_ == MODE_COMPILE &&
+ (!protobuf_in_path_.empty() || !protobuf_out_path_.empty())) {
+ std::cerr << "--protobuf_in and --protobuf_out are only valid with "
+ << "decode operations. Ignoring.";
+ }
// Map input files to virtual paths if possible.
if (!MakeInputsBeProtoPathRelative(source_tree, fallback_database)) {
@@ -1885,6 +1919,12 @@
} else if (name == "--deterministic_output") {
deterministic_output_ = true;
+ } else if (name == "--protobuf_in") {
+ protobuf_in_path_ = value;
+ } else if (name == "--protobuf_out") {
+ protobuf_out_path_ = value;
} else if (name == "--error_format") {
if (value == "gcc") {
error_format_ = ERROR_FORMAT_GCC;
@@ -2018,22 +2058,38 @@
--version Show version info and exit.
-h, --help Show this text and exit.
--encode=MESSAGE_TYPE Read a text-format message of the given type
- from standard input and write it in binary
- to standard output. The message type must
+ from input protobuf file and write it in binary
+ to output protobuf file. The message type must
be defined in PROTO_FILES or their imports.
+ The input/output protobuf files are specified
+ using the --protobuf_in and --protobuf_out
+ command line flags.
--deterministic_output When using --encode, ensure map fields are
deterministically ordered. Note that this order
is not canonical, and changes across builds or
releases of protoc.
--decode=MESSAGE_TYPE Read a binary message of the given type from
- standard input and write it in text format
- to standard output. The message type must
+ input protobuf file and write it in text format
+ to output protobuf file. The message type must
be defined in PROTO_FILES or their imports.
+ The input/output protobuf files are specified
+ using the --protobuf_in and --protobuf_out
+ command line flags.
--decode_raw Read an arbitrary protocol message from
- standard input and write the raw tag/value
- pairs in text format to standard output. No
+ input protobuf file and write the raw tag/value
+ pairs in text format to output protobuf file. No
PROTO_FILES should be given when using this
- flag.
+ flag. The input/output protobuf files are
+ specified using the --protobuf_in and
+ --protobuf_out command line flags.
+ --protobuf_in=FILE Absolute path to the protobuf file from which
+ input of encoding/decoding operation will be
+ read. If omitted, input will be read from
+ standard input.
+ --protobuf_out=FILE Absolute path to the protobuf file to which
+ output of encoding/decoding operation will be
+ written. If omitted, output will be written to
+ standard output.
--descriptor_set_in=FILES Specifies a delimited list of FILES
each containing a FileDescriptorSet (a
protocol buffer defined in descriptor.proto).
@@ -2344,7 +2400,9 @@
return true;
-bool CommandLineInterface::EncodeOrDecode(const DescriptorPool* pool) {
+bool CommandLineInterface::EncodeOrDecode(const DescriptorPool* pool,
+ int in_fd,
+ int out_fd) {
// Look up the type.
const Descriptor* type = pool->FindMessageTypeByName(codec_type_);
if (type == NULL) {
@@ -2356,15 +2414,15 @@
std::unique_ptr<Message> message(dynamic_factory.GetPrototype(type)->New());
if (mode_ == MODE_ENCODE) {
- SetFdToTextMode(STDIN_FILENO);
- SetFdToBinaryMode(STDOUT_FILENO);
+ SetFdToTextMode(in_fd);
+ SetFdToBinaryMode(out_fd);
} else {
- SetFdToBinaryMode(STDIN_FILENO);
+ SetFdToBinaryMode(in_fd);
+ SetFdToTextMode(out_fd);
- io::FileInputStream in(STDIN_FILENO);
- io::FileOutputStream out(STDOUT_FILENO);
+ io::FileInputStream in(in_fd);
+ io::FileOutputStream out(out_fd);
if (mode_ == MODE_ENCODE) {
// Input is text.
--- /src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface.h
+++ /src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface.h
@@ -292,7 +292,9 @@
GeneratorContext* generator_context, std::string* error);
// Implements --encode and --decode.
- bool EncodeOrDecode(const DescriptorPool* pool);
+ bool EncodeOrDecode(const DescriptorPool* pool,
+ int in_fd,
+ int out_fd);
// Implements the --descriptor_set_out option.
bool WriteDescriptorSet(
@@ -427,6 +429,13 @@
// parsed FileDescriptorSets to be used for loading protos. Otherwise, empty.
std::vector<std::string> descriptor_set_in_names_;
+ // When using --encode / --decode / --decode_raw absolute path to the output
+ // file. (Empty string indicates write to STDOUT).
+ std::string protobuf_out_path_;
+ // When using --encode / --decode / --decode_raw, absolute path to the input
+ // file. (Empty string indicates read from STDIN).
+ std::string protobuf_in_path_;
// If --descriptor_set_out was given, this is the filename to which the
// FileDescriptorSet should be written. Otherwise, empty.
std::string descriptor_set_out_name_;
--- /src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface_unittest.cc
+++ /src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface_unittest.cc
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
virtual void SetUp();
virtual void TearDown();
- // Runs the CommandLineInterface with the given command line. The
+ // Run the CommandLineInterface with the given command line. The
// command is automatically split on spaces, and the string "$tmpdir"
// is replaced with TestTempDir().
void Run(const std::string& command);
@@ -2626,6 +2626,17 @@
+ void ExpectBinaryFilesMatch(const string &expected_file,
+ const string &actual_file) {
+ string expected_output, actual_output;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(File::ReadFileToString(expected_file, &expected_output));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(File::ReadFileToString(actual_file, &actual_output));
+ // Don't use EXPECT_EQ because we don't want to print raw binary data to
+ // stdout on failure.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expected_output == actual_output);
+ }
void WriteUnittestProtoDescriptorSet() {
unittest_proto_descriptor_set_filename_ =
@@ -2749,6 +2760,19 @@
"Can only use --deterministic_output with --encode.\n");
+TEST_P(EncodeDecodeTest, RedirectInputOutput) {
+ string out_file = TestTempDir() + "/golden_message_out.pbf";
+ Run(TestUtil::MaybeTranslatePath("net/proto2/internal/unittest.proto") +
+ " --encode=protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes" +
+ " --protobuf_in=" + TestUtil::GetTestDataPath(
+ "net/proto2/internal/"
+ "testdata/text_format_unittest_data_oneof_implemented.txt") +
+ " --protobuf_out=" + out_file));
+ ExpectBinaryFilesMatch(out_file, TestUtil::GetTestDataPath(
+ "net/proto2/internal/testdata/golden_message_oneof_implemented"));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FileDescriptorSetSource, EncodeDecodeTest,
} // anonymous namespace

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Disable no-warning-test which is compiled with -Werror option and whose only purpose is checking if compilation results in any warnings.
--- /src/Makefile.am
+++ /src/Makefile.am
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@
check_PROGRAMS = protoc protobuf-test protobuf-lazy-descriptor-test \
protobuf-lite-test test_plugin protobuf-lite-arena-test \
- no-warning-test $(GZCHECKPROGRAMS)
protobuf_test_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf.la libprotoc.la \
$(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la \
$(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock.la \
@@ -900,4 +900,4 @@
TESTS = protobuf-test protobuf-lazy-descriptor-test protobuf-lite-test \
google/protobuf/compiler/zip_output_unittest.sh $(GZTESTS) \
- protobuf-lite-arena-test no-warning-test
+ protobuf-lite-arena-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
--- /Makefile.am
+++ /Makefile.am
@@ -11,28 +11,10 @@
# Always include third_party directories in distributions.
DIST_SUBDIRS = src conformance benchmarks third_party/googletest
-# Build gmock before we build protobuf tests. We don't add gmock to SUBDIRS
-# because then "make check" would also build and run all of gmock's own tests,
-# which takes a lot of time and is generally not useful to us. Also, we don't
-# want "make install" to recurse into gmock since we don't want to overwrite
-# the installed version of gmock if there is one.
- @echo "Making lib/libgmock.a lib/libgmock_main.a in gmock"
- @cd third_party/googletest/googletest && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) lib/libgtest.la lib/libgtest_main.la
- @cd third_party/googletest/googlemock && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) lib/libgmock.la lib/libgmock_main.la
-# We would like to clean gmock when "make clean" is invoked. But we have to
-# be careful because clean-local is also invoked during "make distclean", but
-# "make distclean" already recurses into gmock because it's listed among the
-# DIST_SUBDIRS. distclean will delete gmock/Makefile, so if we then try to
-# cd to the directory again and "make clean" it will fail. So, check that the
-# Makefile exists before recursing.
- @if test -e third_party/googletest/Makefile; then \
- echo "Making clean in googletest"; \
- cd third_party/googletest && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) clean; \
- fi; \
- if test -e conformance/Makefile; then \
+ @if test -e conformance/Makefile; then \
echo "Making clean in conformance"; \
cd conformance && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) clean; \
fi; \
--- /configure.ac
+++ /configure.ac
@@ -236,12 +236,5 @@
-# HACK: Make gmock's configure script pick up our copy of CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS,
-# since the flags added by ACX_CHECK_SUNCC must be used when compiling gmock
-# too.
-export CFLAGS
-export CXXFLAGS
AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile benchmarks/Makefile conformance/Makefile protobuf.pc protobuf-lite.pc])
--- /src/Makefile.am
+++ /src/Makefile.am
@@ -707,19 +707,11 @@
google/protobuf/testing/file.cc \
check_PROGRAMS = protoc protobuf-test protobuf-lazy-descriptor-test \
protobuf-lite-test test_plugin protobuf-lite-arena-test \
protobuf_test_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf.la libprotoc.la \
- $(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock_main.la
-protobuf_test_CPPFLAGS = -I$(GOOGLETEST_SRC_DIR)/include \
+ -lgtest -lgmock -lgmock_main
# Disable optimization for tests unless the user explicitly asked for it,
# since test_util.cc takes forever to compile with optimization (with GCC).
# See configure.ac for more info.
@@ -811,12 +803,8 @@
# Run cpp_unittest again with PROTOBUF_TEST_NO_DESCRIPTORS defined.
protobuf_lazy_descriptor_test_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf.la \
libprotoc.la \
- $(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock_main.la
-protobuf_lazy_descriptor_test_CPPFLAGS = -I$(GOOGLEMOCK_SRC_DIR)/include \
- -I$(GOOGLETEST_SRC_DIR)/include \
+ -lgtest -lgmock -lgmock_main
+protobuf_lazy_descriptor_test_CPPFLAGS = -DPROTOBUF_TEST_NO_DESCRIPTORS
protobuf_lazy_descriptor_test_CXXFLAGS = $(NO_OPT_CXXFLAGS)
protobuf_lazy_descriptor_test_SOURCES = \
google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_unittest.cc \
@@ -837,11 +825,7 @@
# full runtime and we want to make sure this test builds without full
# runtime.
protobuf_lite_test_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf-lite.la \
- $(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock_main.la
-protobuf_lite_test_CPPFLAGS= -I$(GOOGLEMOCK_SRC_DIR)/include \
+ -lgtest -lgmock -lgmock_main
protobuf_lite_test_CXXFLAGS = $(NO_OPT_CXXFLAGS)
protobuf_lite_test_SOURCES = \
google/protobuf/lite_unittest.cc \
@@ -853,11 +837,7 @@
# gtest when building the test internally our memory sanitizer doesn't detect
# memory leaks (don't know why).
protobuf_lite_arena_test_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf-lite.la \
- $(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock_main.la
-protobuf_lite_arena_test_CPPFLAGS = -I$(GOOGLEMOCK_SRC_DIR)/include \
+ -lgtest -lgmock -lgmock_main
protobuf_lite_arena_test_CXXFLAGS = $(NO_OPT_CXXFLAGS)
protobuf_lite_arena_test_SOURCES = \
google/protobuf/lite_arena_unittest.cc \
@@ -867,8 +847,7 @@
# Test plugin binary.
test_plugin_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf.la libprotoc.la \
- $(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la
-test_plugin_CPPFLAGS = -I$(GOOGLETEST_SRC_DIR)/include
+ -lgtest
test_plugin_SOURCES = \
google/protobuf/compiler/mock_code_generator.cc \
google/protobuf/testing/file.cc \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
From 12e381222a8cdce50845dfb7d8fdf863f6f8bb8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <Arfrever@Apache.Org>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2022 15:08:40 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] protobuf-3.19.0: disable no-warning test
Disable no-warning-test which is compiled with -Werror option
and whose only purpose is checking if compilation results in any warnings.
Signed-off-by: Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <Arfrever@Apache.Org>
Signed-off-by: Yixun Lan <dlan@gentoo.org>
src/Makefile.am | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 3312e5d..7e86b62 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ GOOGLETEST_SRC_DIR=$(srcdir)/../third_party/googletest/googletest
check_PROGRAMS = protoc protobuf-test protobuf-lazy-descriptor-test \
protobuf-lite-test test_plugin protobuf-lite-arena-test \
- no-warning-test $(GZCHECKPROGRAMS)
protobuf_test_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf.la libprotoc.la \
$(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la \
$(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock.la \
@@ -911,4 +911,4 @@ nodist_no_warning_test_SOURCES = no_warning_test.cc $(protoc_outputs)
TESTS = protobuf-test protobuf-lazy-descriptor-test protobuf-lite-test \
google/protobuf/compiler/zip_output_unittest.sh $(GZTESTS) \
- protobuf-lite-arena-test no-warning-test
+ protobuf-lite-arena-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
From c080d329298e841d7d4e1380ff7ec88de5cb3b02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <Arfrever@Apache.Org>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2022 15:14:59 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] protobuf-3.19.0: system_libraries
Use system version of GoogleTest,
which will unbundle gtest, gmock libraries
Signed-off-by: Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <Arfrever@Apache.Org>
Signed-off-by: Yixun Lan <dlan@gentoo.org>
Makefile.am | 20 +-------------------
configure.ac | 7 -------
src/Makefile.am | 33 ++++++---------------------------
3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 41d4061..b24f8f4 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -11,28 +11,10 @@ SUBDIRS = . src
# Always include third_party directories in distributions.
DIST_SUBDIRS = src conformance benchmarks third_party/googletest
-# Build gmock before we build protobuf tests. We don't add gmock to SUBDIRS
-# because then "make check" would also build and run all of gmock's own tests,
-# which takes a lot of time and is generally not useful to us. Also, we don't
-# want "make install" to recurse into gmock since we don't want to overwrite
-# the installed version of gmock if there is one.
- @echo "Making lib/libgmock.a lib/libgmock_main.a in gmock"
- @cd third_party/googletest/googletest && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) lib/libgtest.la lib/libgtest_main.la
- @cd third_party/googletest/googlemock && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) lib/libgmock.la lib/libgmock_main.la
-# We would like to clean gmock when "make clean" is invoked. But we have to
-# be careful because clean-local is also invoked during "make distclean", but
-# "make distclean" already recurses into gmock because it's listed among the
-# DIST_SUBDIRS. distclean will delete gmock/Makefile, so if we then try to
-# cd to the directory again and "make clean" it will fail. So, check that the
-# Makefile exists before recursing.
- @if test -e third_party/googletest/Makefile; then \
- echo "Making clean in googletest"; \
- cd third_party/googletest && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) clean; \
- fi; \
- if test -e conformance/Makefile; then \
+ @if test -e conformance/Makefile; then \
echo "Making clean in conformance"; \
cd conformance && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) clean; \
fi; \
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 02085ca..449fb3d 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -236,12 +236,5 @@ if test "x$ANDROID_TEST" = xyes; then
-# HACK: Make gmock's configure script pick up our copy of CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS,
-# since the flags added by ACX_CHECK_SUNCC must be used when compiling gmock
-# too.
-export CFLAGS
-export CXXFLAGS
AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile benchmarks/Makefile conformance/Makefile protobuf.pc protobuf-lite.pc])
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 7e86b62..47d759f 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -716,19 +716,11 @@ COMMON_TEST_SOURCES = \
google/protobuf/testing/googletest.cc \
check_PROGRAMS = protoc protobuf-test protobuf-lazy-descriptor-test \
protobuf-lite-test test_plugin protobuf-lite-arena-test \
protobuf_test_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf.la libprotoc.la \
- $(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock_main.la
-protobuf_test_CPPFLAGS = -I$(GOOGLETEST_SRC_DIR)/include \
+ -lgtest -lgmock -lgmock_main
# Disable optimization for tests unless the user explicitly asked for it,
# since test_util.cc takes forever to compile with optimization (with GCC).
# See configure.ac for more info.
@@ -820,12 +812,8 @@ $(am_protobuf_test_OBJECTS): unittest_proto_middleman
# Run cpp_unittest again with PROTOBUF_TEST_NO_DESCRIPTORS defined.
protobuf_lazy_descriptor_test_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf.la \
libprotoc.la \
- $(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock_main.la
-protobuf_lazy_descriptor_test_CPPFLAGS = -I$(GOOGLEMOCK_SRC_DIR)/include \
- -I$(GOOGLETEST_SRC_DIR)/include \
+ -lgtest -lgmock -lgmock_main
+protobuf_lazy_descriptor_test_CPPFLAGS = -DPROTOBUF_TEST_NO_DESCRIPTORS
protobuf_lazy_descriptor_test_CXXFLAGS = $(NO_OPT_CXXFLAGS)
protobuf_lazy_descriptor_test_SOURCES = \
google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_unittest.cc \
@@ -847,11 +835,7 @@ COMMON_LITE_TEST_SOURCES = \
# full runtime and we want to make sure this test builds without full
# runtime.
protobuf_lite_test_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf-lite.la \
- $(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock_main.la
-protobuf_lite_test_CPPFLAGS= -I$(GOOGLEMOCK_SRC_DIR)/include \
+ -lgtest -lgmock -lgmock_main
protobuf_lite_test_CXXFLAGS = $(NO_OPT_CXXFLAGS)
protobuf_lite_test_SOURCES = \
google/protobuf/lite_unittest.cc \
@@ -863,11 +847,7 @@ $(am_protobuf_lite_test_OBJECTS): unittest_proto_middleman
# gtest when building the test internally our memory sanitizer doesn't detect
# memory leaks (don't know why).
protobuf_lite_arena_test_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf-lite.la \
- $(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock.la \
- $(GOOGLEMOCK_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgmock_main.la
-protobuf_lite_arena_test_CPPFLAGS = -I$(GOOGLEMOCK_SRC_DIR)/include \
+ -lgtest -lgmock -lgmock_main
protobuf_lite_arena_test_CXXFLAGS = $(NO_OPT_CXXFLAGS)
protobuf_lite_arena_test_SOURCES = \
google/protobuf/lite_arena_unittest.cc \
@@ -877,8 +857,7 @@ $(am_protobuf_lite_arena_test_OBJECTS): unittest_proto_middleman
# Test plugin binary.
test_plugin_LDADD = $(PTHREAD_LIBS) libprotobuf.la libprotoc.la \
- $(GOOGLETEST_BUILD_DIR)/lib/libgtest.la
-test_plugin_CPPFLAGS = -I$(GOOGLETEST_SRC_DIR)/include
+ -lgtest
test_plugin_SOURCES = \
google/protobuf/compiler/mock_code_generator.cc \
google/protobuf/compiler/test_plugin.cc \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "https://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
<maintainer type="person" proxied="yes">
<name>Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis</name>
<maintainer type="project">
<subslots>Soname version number</subslots>
<remote-id type="cpe">cpe:/a:google:protobuf</remote-id>
<remote-id type="github">protocolbuffers/protobuf</remote-id>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
# Copyright 2008-2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
inherit autotools elisp-common flag-o-matic multilib-minimal toolchain-funcs
if [[ "${PV}" == "9999" ]]; then
inherit git-r3
DESCRIPTION="Google's Protocol Buffers - Extensible mechanism for serializing structured data"
HOMEPAGE="https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf"
if [[ "${PV}" == "9999" ]]; then
SRC_URI="https://github.com/protocolbuffers/${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x64-macos"
IUSE="emacs examples static-libs test zlib"
RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
BDEPEND="emacs? ( app-editors/emacs:* )"
DEPEND="test? ( >=dev-cpp/gtest-1.9[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )"
RDEPEND="emacs? ( app-editors/emacs:* )
zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )"
src_prepare() {
# https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/7413
sed -e "/^AC_PROG_CXX_FOR_BUILD$/d" -i configure.ac || die
# https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/8082
sed -e "/^TEST_F(IoTest, LargeOutput) {$/,/^}$/d" -i src/google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_unittest.cc || die
# https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/8459
sed \
-e "/^TEST(ArenaTest, BlockSizeSmallerThanAllocation) {$/a\\ if (sizeof(void*) == 4) {\n GTEST_SKIP();\n }" \
-e "/^TEST(ArenaTest, SpaceAllocated_and_Used) {$/a\\ if (sizeof(void*) == 4) {\n GTEST_SKIP();\n }" \
-i src/google/protobuf/arena_unittest.cc || die
# https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/8460
sed -e "/^TEST(AnyTest, TestPackFromSerializationExceedsSizeLimit) {$/a\\ if (sizeof(void*) == 4) {\n GTEST_SKIP();\n }" -i src/google/protobuf/any_test.cc || die
# https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/9392
sed -e "s/^AC_PROG_OBJC$/AS_CASE([\$target_os], [darwin*], [AC_PROG_OBJC], [AM_CONDITIONAL([am__fastdepOBJC], [false])])/" -i configure.ac || die
# https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/9433
sed -e "/^[[:space:]]*static_assert(alignof(T) <= 8, \"\");$/d" -i src/google/protobuf/descriptor.cc || die
src_configure() {
if tc-ld-is-gold; then
# https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24527
multilib_src_configure() {
local options=(
$(use_enable static-libs static)
$(use_with zlib)
if tc-is-cross-compiler; then
# Build system uses protoc when building, so protoc copy runnable on host is needed.
mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/build" || die
pushd "${WORKDIR}/build" > /dev/null || die
ECONF_SOURCE="${S}" econf_build "${options[@]}"
popd > /dev/null || die
ECONF_SOURCE="${S}" econf "${options[@]}"
src_compile() {
if use emacs; then
elisp-compile editors/protobuf-mode.el
multilib_src_compile() {
if tc-is-cross-compiler; then
emake -C "${WORKDIR}/build/src" protoc
multilib_src_test() {
emake check
multilib_src_install_all() {
find "${ED}" -name "*.la" -delete || die
insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax
doins editors/proto.vim
insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect
doins "${FILESDIR}/proto.vim"
if use emacs; then
elisp-install ${PN} editors/protobuf-mode.el*
elisp-site-file-install "${FILESDIR}/70${PN}-gentoo.el"
if use examples; then
docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
pkg_postinst() {
use emacs && elisp-site-regen
pkg_postrm() {
use emacs && elisp-site-regen

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
DIST protobuf-3.20.1.tar.gz 5368262 BLAKE2B 1ce1aef2e4c4f3ea4863629cc75d89fe17d0c7ac0c342ac641c787456fd4a12756c2892a27ddadedc94a7201494ec84566638ce33a03cb0c867b04e9eee0edb3 SHA512 fde3eb9f13946887ddfd87df428c5615ad09aaf191e4478b24e98e5e13231feeff4e70b4ca6a2ff7d9b9b2e2c60bc1d5479526edeafa78f9a8ed3bef2e0bacb0
EBUILD protobuf-python-3.20.1.ebuild 1360 BLAKE2B b565e3296a77169cef2d872de81588d20b282890d4929a78e67f5816243e41d6cd6c9ee7d638a9cca26b31f8a761702f5946ad39f1a617e982ed497c650e6359 SHA512 393a90e7f08315480a9dc3c4d86135f87ca2044f88a4339453e8e9ef66688f7edec7f58d3a6fb13f6f691f704eb0ca8f6746e7509a1622aadf5bb87010de0e36
MISC metadata.xml 548 BLAKE2B 2468487e12d536d67daebf5b7a21cd63a9c4af321a8979132e63d9b8394bf577e347f891326c73bfa6907e82ca355ea0d4ec40a37bb297db0da1e55a62b6ef33 SHA512 c0c2556fbf8821f3a75ed344daa59b4fc355029f96efb8f9784f54c819916adeb46b2c5d8c2e8d405dc58395c2f18b30cda69c6d406948a066bd1d78a55df80b

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "https://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
<maintainer type="person" proxied="yes">
<name>Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis</name>
<maintainer type="project">
<subslots>Soname version number of Protobuf</subslots>
<remote-id type="github">protocolbuffers/protobuf</remote-id>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Copyright 2008-2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..10} )
inherit distutils-r1
if [[ "${PV}" == "9999" ]]; then
inherit git-r3
DESCRIPTION="Google's Protocol Buffers - Python bindings"
if [[ "${PV}" != "9999" ]]; then
-> protobuf-${PV}.tar.gz
KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x64-macos"
if [[ "${PV}" == "9999" ]]; then
distutils_enable_tests setup.py
src_configure() {
python_compile() {
find "${BUILD_DIR}/install" -name "*.pth" -type f -delete || die