
840 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

// File: displaywid.cpp
// Author: Matthias Toussaint
// Created: Fri Nov 23 22:34:30 CET 2001
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
// documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
// provided that below copyright notice appear in all copies and that
// both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
// supporting documentation.
// This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The
// author shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of
// copyrights, trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part
// thereof. In no event will the author be liable for any lost revenue
// or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages.
// (c) 2001 Matthias Toussaint
#include <displaywid.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
// less than elegant use of single pixmaps for everything.
// But hey, it works!
#include <numbers.xpm>
#include <decimal.xpm>
#include <specialchars.xpm>
#include <minus.xpm>
#include <G.xpm>
#include <cm.xpm>
#include <k.xpm>
#include <m.xpm>
#include <u.xpm>
#include <n.xpm>
#include <p.xpm>
#include <Hz.xpm>
#include <F.xpm>
#include <V.xpm>
#include <A.xpm>
#include <H.xpm>
#include <W.xpm>
#include <DBM.xpm>
#include <Ohm.xpm>
#include <deg.xpm>
#include <percent.xpm>
#include <numbers_small.xpm>
#include <decimal_small.xpm>
#include <specialchars_small.xpm>
#include <minus_small.xpm>
#include <G_small.xpm>
#include <cm_small.xpm>
#include <k_small.xpm>
#include <m_small.xpm>
#include <u_small.xpm>
#include <n_small.xpm>
#include <p_small.xpm>
#include <Hz_small.xpm>
#include <F_small.xpm>
#include <V_small.xpm>
#include <A_small.xpm>
#include <H_small.xpm>
#include <W_small.xpm>
#include <DBM_small.xpm>
#include <Ohm_small.xpm>
#include <deg_small.xpm>
#include <percent_small.xpm>
#include <min_str.xpm>
#include <max_str.xpm>
#include <diode.xpm>
#include <ac.xpm>
#include <dc.xpm>
#include <null_bar.xpm>
#include <ten_bar.xpm>
#include <twenty_bar.xpm>
#include <thirty_bar.xpm>
#include <fourty_bar.xpm>
#include <fifty_bar.xpm>
#include <sixty_bar.xpm>
#include <iostream>
DisplayWid::DisplayWid( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
QWidget( parent, name ),
m_paintBar( true ),
m_numValues( 1 )
// HACK: My GIMP doesn't save XBM !!!!
m_bigDigit = createBitmap((const char **)numbers_xpm);
m_bigSpecialChar = createBitmap((const char **)specialchars_xpm);
m_bigDecimal = createBitmap((const char **)decimal_xpm);
m_bigMinus = createBitmap((const char **)minus_xpm);
m_bigG = createBitmap((const char **)G_xpm);
m_bigM = createBitmap((const char **)M_xpm);
m_bigk = createBitmap((const char **)k_xpm);
m_bigm = createBitmap((const char **)m_xpm);
m_bigu = createBitmap((const char **)u_xpm);
m_bign = createBitmap((const char **)n_xpm);
m_bigp = createBitmap((const char **)p_xpm);
m_bigHz = createBitmap((const char **)Hz_xpm);
m_bigF = createBitmap((const char **)F_xpm);
m_bigV = createBitmap((const char **)V_xpm);
m_bigA = createBitmap((const char **)A_xpm);
m_bigH = createBitmap((const char **)H_xpm);
m_bigW = createBitmap((const char **)W_xpm);
m_bigDBM = createBitmap((const char **)DBM_xpm);
m_bigOhm = createBitmap((const char **)Ohm_xpm);
m_bigDeg = createBitmap((const char **)deg_xpm);
m_bigPercent = createBitmap((const char **)percent_xpm);
m_smallDigit = createBitmap((const char **)numbers_small_xpm);
m_smallSpecialChar = createBitmap((const char **)specialchars_small_xpm);
m_smallDecimal = createBitmap((const char **)decimal_small_xpm);
m_smallMinus = createBitmap((const char **)minus_small_xpm);
m_smallG = createBitmap((const char **)G_small_xpm);
m_smallM = createBitmap((const char **)M_small_xpm);
m_smallk = createBitmap((const char **)k_small_xpm);
m_smallm = createBitmap((const char **)m_small_xpm);
m_smallu = createBitmap((const char **)u_small_xpm);
m_smalln = createBitmap((const char **)n_small_xpm);
m_smallp = createBitmap((const char **)p_small_xpm);
m_smallHz = createBitmap((const char **)Hz_small_xpm);
m_smallF = createBitmap((const char **)F_small_xpm);
m_smallV = createBitmap((const char **)V_small_xpm);
m_smallA = createBitmap((const char **)A_small_xpm);
m_smallH = createBitmap((const char **)H_small_xpm);
m_smallW = createBitmap((const char **)W_small_xpm);
m_smallDBM = createBitmap((const char **)DBM_small_xpm);
m_smallOhm = createBitmap((const char **)Ohm_small_xpm);
m_smallDeg = createBitmap((const char **)deg_small_xpm);
m_smallPercent = createBitmap((const char **)percent_small_xpm);
m_minStr = createBitmap((const char **)min_str_xpm);
m_maxStr = createBitmap((const char **)max_str_xpm);
m_diode = createBitmap((const char **)diode_xpm);
m_ac = createBitmap((const char **)ac_xpm);
m_dc = createBitmap((const char **)dc_xpm);
m_bar[0] = createBitmap((const char **)null_bar_xpm);
m_bar[1] = createBitmap((const char **)ten_bar_xpm);
m_bar[2] = createBitmap((const char **)twenty_bar_xpm);
m_bar[3] = createBitmap((const char **)thirty_bar_xpm);
m_bar[4] = createBitmap((const char **)fourty_bar_xpm);
m_bar[5] = createBitmap((const char **)fifty_bar_xpm);
m_bar[6] = createBitmap((const char **)sixty_bar_xpm);
setBackgroundMode( QWidget::NoBackground );
setDisplayMode( 1, true, true, 1 );
QBitmap *
DisplayWid::createBitmap( const char **data )
QBitmap *bm = new QBitmap;
*bm = QImage(data).convertDepth( 1, ThresholdDither );
bm->setMask( *bm );
return bm;
delete m_bigDigit;
delete m_smallDigit;
delete m_bigDecimal;
delete m_smallDecimal;
DisplayWid::setDisplayMode( int dm, bool minMax, bool bar, int numValues )
m_displayMode = dm;
m_showMinMax = minMax;
m_showBar = bar;
m_numValues = numValues;
int numDigits = calcNumDigits( m_displayMode );
m_minMaxW = m_showMinMax ? (numDigits)*18+30+24 : 10;
int digitsW = (numDigits)*49+30+30;
m_extraH = m_numValues > 1 ? 24 : 0;
m_extraW = (numDigits)*18+30+10;
m_minW = m_extraW * (m_numValues-1);
setFixedSize( QMAX( m_minW, digitsW+m_minMaxW ), 76 + (m_showBar ? 26 : 2)+m_extraH );
switch (m_displayMode)
case 0:
m_range = 2000;
case 1:
m_range = 4000;
case 2:
m_range = 20000;
case 3:
m_range = 50000;
case 4:
m_range = 100000;
case 5:
m_range = 200000;
case 6:
m_range = 400000;
case 7:
m_range = 1000000;
case 8:
m_range = 6000;
case 9:
m_range = 40000;
DisplayWid::setShowBar( bool bar )
m_paintBar = bar;
DisplayWid::setValue( int id, const QString & value )
m_value[id] = value;
DisplayWid::setMinValue( const QString & value )
m_minValue = value;
DisplayWid::setMaxValue( const QString & value )
m_maxValue = value;
DisplayWid::setUnit( int id, const QString & value )
m_unit[id] = value;
DisplayWid::setMinUnit( const QString & value )
m_minUnit = value;
DisplayWid::setMaxUnit( const QString & value )
m_maxUnit = value;
DisplayWid::setMode( int id, const QString & value )
m_mode[id] = value;
DisplayWid::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
QPixmap pix( width(), height() );
pix.fill( colorGroup().background() );
QPainter p;
int numDigits = calcNumDigits( m_displayMode );
if (!m_value[0].isEmpty())
p.setPen( colorGroup().foreground() );
if (m_showMinMax)
p.drawPixmap( 6, 16, *m_minStr );
p.translate( 28, 12 );
drawSmallNumber( &p, m_minValue );
p.translate( (numDigits)*18+12, 12 );
drawSmallUnit( &p, m_minUnit );
p.drawPixmap( 6, 12+34, *m_maxStr );
p.translate( 28,8+34 );
drawSmallNumber( &p, m_maxValue );
p.translate( (numDigits)*18+12, 12 );
drawSmallUnit( &p, m_maxUnit );
if (m_showMinMax)
p.translate( 6+16+(numDigits*18)+30, 8 );
p.translate( 6, 8 );
drawBigNumber( &p, m_value[0] );
p.translate( (numDigits)*49+24, 42 );
drawBigUnit( &p, m_unit[0] );
if (m_mode[0] == "DI")
p.drawPixmap( 0, -36, *m_diode );
else if (m_mode[0] == "AC")
p.drawPixmap( 0, -36, *m_ac );
else if (m_mode[0] == "DC")
p.drawPixmap( 0, -36, *m_dc );
if (m_showBar)
QString val;
for (unsigned i=0; i<m_value[0].length(); ++i)
if (m_value[0][i].digitValue() != -1)
val += m_value[0][i];
double percent = val.toDouble() / (double)m_range;
int step = width()-18;
int off = 0;
if (0 == m_displayMode || 2 == m_displayMode)
step /= 20;
off = (width()-20*step)/2-2;
else if (1 == m_displayMode || 3 == m_displayMode || 9 == m_displayMode)
step /= 40;
off = (width()-40*step)/2-2;
else if (8 == m_displayMode)
step /= 60;
off = (width()-60*step)/2-2;
step /= 50;
off = (width()-50*step)/2-2;
for(int i=off, c=0, n=0; i<=width()-off; i+=step, ++c)
if (!(c%5))
p.drawLine( i, height()-16, i, height()-12 );
if (!(c%10))
p.drawPixmap( i-4, height()-16-9, *m_bar[n++] );
p.drawLine( i, height()-14, i, height()-12 );
if (m_paintBar)
p.fillRect( off, height()-10,
(int)qRound((double)(width()-2*off)*percent ), 5,
colorGroup().foreground() );
p.translate( 6, 76 );
for (int i=1; i<m_numValues; ++i)
drawSmallNumber( &p, m_value[i] );
p.translate( (numDigits)*18+12, 12 );
drawSmallUnit( &p, m_unit[i] );
p.translate( m_extraW, 0 );
DisplayWid::drawSmallNumber( QPainter *p, const QString & num )
int x = 0;
int offset = 0;
while (num[offset] == ' ' && offset<num.length()) ++offset;
if (num[offset] == '-')
p->drawPixmap( 0, 9, *m_smallMinus );
x += 12;
for (unsigned i=offset; i<num.length(); i++)
if (num[i] == '.')
p->drawPixmap( x-5, 0, *m_smallDecimal );
else if (num[i].lower() == 'a')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*0, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'b')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*1, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'd')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*2, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'e')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*3, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'h')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*4, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'l')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*5, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'n')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*6, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'o')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*7, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'p')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*8, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'r')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*9, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 's')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*10, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 't')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*11, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'y')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallSpecialChar, 12*12, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
int digit = num[i].latin1()-'0';
if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9)
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallDigit, 12*digit, 0, 12, 21 );
x += 18;
DisplayWid::drawBigUnit( QPainter *p, const QString & str )
int index = 0;
int x = 0;
if (str[0] == 'G')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigG );
x += m_bigG->width()+2;
else if (str[0] == 'M')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigM );
x += m_bigM->width()+2;
else if (str[0] == 'k')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigk );
x += m_bigk->width()+2;
else if (str[0] == 'm')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigm );
x += m_bigm->width()+2;
else if (str[0] == 'u')
p->drawPixmap( x, 3, *m_bigu );
x += m_bigu->width()+2;
else if (str[0] == 'n')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bign );
x += m_bign->width()+2;
if (str.mid(index) == "Ohm")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigOhm );
else if (str.mid(index) == "C")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigDeg );
else if (str.mid(index) == "Hz")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigHz );
else if (str.mid(index) == "F") // ignore Farenheit
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigF );
else if (str.mid(index) == "H")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigH );
else if (str.mid(index) == "W")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigW );
else if (str.mid(index) == "dBm")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigDBM );
else if (str.mid(index) == "A")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigA );
else if (str.mid(index) == "V")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigV );
else if (str.mid(index) == "%")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigPercent );
DisplayWid::drawSmallUnit( QPainter *p, const QString & str )
int index = 0;
int x = 0;
if (str[0] == 'G')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallG );
x += m_smallG->width()+1;
else if (str[0] == 'M')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallM );
x += m_smallM->width()+1;
else if (str[0] == 'k')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallk );
x += m_smallk->width()+1;
else if (str[0] == 'm')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallm );
x += m_smallm->width()+1;
else if (str[0] == 'u')
p->drawPixmap( x, 3, *m_smallu );
x += m_smallu->width()+1;
else if (str[0] == 'n')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smalln );
x += m_smalln->width()+1;
if (str.mid(index) == "Ohm")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallOhm );
else if (str.mid(index) == "C")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallDeg );
else if (str.mid(index) == "Hz")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallHz );
else if (str.mid(index) == "F")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallF );
else if (str.mid(index) == "H")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallH );
else if (str.mid(index) == "W")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallW );
else if (str.mid(index) == "dBm")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallDBM );
else if (str.mid(index) == "A")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallA );
else if (str.mid(index) == "V")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallV );
else if (str.mid(index) == "%")
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_smallPercent );
DisplayWid::drawBigNumber( QPainter *p, const QString & num )
int x = 0;
int offset = 0;
while (num[offset] == ' ' && offset<num.length()) ++offset;
bool comma = false;
if (num[offset] == '-')
p->drawPixmap( x, 0, *m_bigMinus );
x += 28;
for (unsigned i=offset; i<num.length(); i++)
if (num[i] == '.')
p->drawPixmap( x-11, 0, *m_bigDecimal );
comma = true;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'a')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*0, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'b')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*1, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'd')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*2, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'e')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*3, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'h')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*4, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'l')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*5, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'n')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*6, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'o')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*7, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'p')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*8, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'r')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*9, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 's')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*10, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 't')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*11, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i].lower() == 'y')
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigSpecialChar, 34*12, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
else if (num[i] == ' ')
x += 49;
int digit = num[i].latin1()-'0';
if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9)
p->drawPixmap( x+2, 2, *m_bigDigit, 34*digit, 0, 34, 60 );
x += 49;
DisplayWid::calcNumDigits( int dm )
int numDigits = 0;
switch (dm)
case 0:
case 1:
case 8:
numDigits = 4;
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 9:
numDigits = 5;
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
numDigits = 6;
return numDigits;