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Executable File

// File: simplecfg.h
// Author: Matthias Toussaint
// Created: Mon Okt 30 22:01:05 CET 2000
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
// documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
// provided that below copyright notice appear in all copies and that
// both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
// supporting documentation.
// This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The
// author shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of
// copyrights, trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part
// thereof. In no event will the author be liable for any lost revenue
// or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages.
// (c) 2000 Matthias Toussaint
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
// I _REALLY_ like writing documentation. Here documentation
// efficiently hides the code ...
class SimpleCfg;
/** Encapsulates a group (section) in the configuration file.
Groups in the configuration file start with a group name embraced
with rectangular braces ([<i>groupname</i>]). The key/value pairs
following this group name belong to this group.
Normally you should not use this class but instead SimpleCfg which
gives you full control over the configuration file.
SimpleCfg is licensed under GPL
\author Matthias Toussaint, &copy; 2000 Matthias Toussaint
class SimpleCfgGroup
friend class SimpleCfg;
/// Destructor
virtual ~SimpleCfgGroup();
/// Return group name
QString name() const { return groupName; }
/// Remove given key from group
void remove( const QString & key );
/** Check if configuration contains key named <i>key</i>.
\param key Name of key to look for
\returns true if found
bool contains( const QString & key );
/** Set integer value.
If the key does not exist it is created
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Value to be assigned to key
void setInt( const QString & key, int val );
/** Retrieve integer value.
If the key does not exist it is created with the default
\param key Key to be searched for
\param def Default value to be returned if key not found
\returns Value of key or default value
int getInt( const QString & key, int def );
/** Set double value.
If the key does not exist it is created
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Value to be assigned to key
void setDouble( const QString & key, double val );
/** Retrieve double value.
If the key does not exist it is created with the default
\param key Key to be searched for
\param def Default value to be returned if key not found
\returns Value of key or default value
double getDouble( const QString & key, double def );
/** Set string value.
If the key does not exist it is created
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Value to be assigned to key
void setString( const QString & key, const QString & val );
/** Retrieve string value.
If the key does not exist it is created with the default
\param key Key to be searched for
\param def Default value to be returned if key not found
\returns Value of key or default value
QString getString( const QString & key, const QString & def );
/** Set QRgb (unsigned long) value.
If the key does not exist it is created
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Value to be assigned to key
void setRGB( const QString & key, QRgb val );
/** Retrieve QRgb value (basically unsigned long).
If the key does not exist it is created with the default
\param key Key to be searched for
\param def Default value to be returned if key not found
\returns Value of key or default value
QRgb getRGB( const QString & key, QRgb def );
/** Set bool value.
If the key does not exist it is created
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Value to be assigned to key
void setBool( const QString & key, bool val );
/** Retrieve bool value.
If the key does not exist it is created with the default
value. The bool values appear as "true"/"false" in the
configuration file.
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Default value to be returned if key not found
\returns Value of key or default value
bool getBool( const QString & key, bool def );
/** Access iterator over keys.
If there are no keys this member returns SimpleCfgGroup::end().
If you want to iterate through the keys you'll need code like
the following:
QMap<QString,QString>::Iterator it;
for (it=group.begin(); it != group.end(); ++it)
// it.key() returns the key
// it.data() returns the value as string
inline QMap<QString,QString>::Iterator begin() { return map.begin(); }
/** Access end value for iterator.
\see SimpleCfgGroup::begin()
inline QMap<QString,QString>::Iterator end() { return map.end(); }
/// Construct a group with name
SimpleCfgGroup( const QString & name );
/// Rename the group
void setName( const QString & name );
/// Read from QTextStream
void read( QTextStream & );
/// Write to QTextStream
void write( QTextStream & );
QMap<QString,QString> map;
QString groupName;
/** Encapsulation of an "Windows-ini-style" ASCII configuration file. You
know these
[operating system]
configuration files.
Usage is quite simple. Just create a SimpleCfg object and retrieve
the needed values in your code. All retrieval member need a default
value. This ensures that first usage of the configuration file
(Means file does not exist on harddisk) will create a file with
hopefully sane (you have to specify them :) default values. Next time
you'll find a complete configuration file on disk.
You could use the above example as follows:
SimpleCfg cfg( "filename" );
cfg.load(); // The file is _not_ loaded in the constructor!
cerr << "Windows " << cfg.getString( "operating system", "windows", "is good" )
<< endl;
cerr << "Unix " << cfg.getString( "operating system", "unix", "is old crap" )
<< endl;
cfg.save(); // If file did not exist it is created now.
If the file could be read you would see the following output:
Windows sux
Unix rocks
If the file could not be read:
Windows is good
Unix is old crap
So always ensure your configuration files can be read :)
You can not have two or more groups with the same name. Same applies
to keys within a group.
SimpleCfg is licensed under GPL
\author Matthias Toussaint, &copy; 2000 Matthias Toussaint
class SimpleCfg
/// Construct empty configuration with filename
SimpleCfg( const QString & );
/// Destructor
virtual ~SimpleCfg();
/** Set header comment for configuration file
\param comment This string will be printed at the beginning of the
void setComment( const QString & comment );
/** Retrieve filename
\return filename
QString filename() const { return fname; }
/** Rename file.
Does not load the new file. Next save and load will use this filename.
\param fn filename to be used from now on.
void setFilename( const QString & fn ) { fname = fn; }
/** Load configuration file from disk.
\return true on success
bool load();
/** Store configuration file to disk.
\return true on success
bool save();
/// Clear configuration
void clear();
/** Remove all empty keys.
Calling this member all keys that have an empty value are removed.
This configuration file will look a bit nicer if you call this
before saving.
\warning It might fuck up your configuration if
a value was empty by intention and the default value for reading
is <b>not</b> empty. If you don't know what you are doing
don't call this member!
void removeEmpty();
/** Remove key <i>key</i> from group <i>group</i>.
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be removed
void remove( const QString & group, const QString & key );
/** Remove group <i>group</i>.
\param group Group to be removed
void remove( const QString & group );
/** Check if configuration contains group named <i>group</i>.
\param group Name of group to look for
\returns true if found
bool contains( const QString & group );
/** Check if configuration contains key in group named <i>group</i>.
\param group Name of group to look for
\param key Name of key to look for
\returns true if found
bool contains( const QString & group, const QString & key );
/** Add empty group.
An empty group is added. This is needed for the load member. If
the group already exists this request is ignored.
\param group Group to be added
void add( const QString & group );
/** Set integer value.
If the key does not exist it is created
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Value to be assigned to key
void setInt( const QString &group, const QString & key, int val );
/** Retrieve integer value.
If the key does not exist it is created with the default
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be searched for
\param def Default value to be returned if key not found
\returns Value of key or default value
int getInt( const QString &group, const QString & key, int def );
/** Set double value.
If the key does not exist it is created
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Value to be assigned to key
void setDouble( const QString &group, const QString & key, double val );
/** Retrieve double value.
If the key does not exist it is created with the default
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be searched for
\param def Default value to be returned if key not found
\returns Value of key or default value
double getDouble( const QString &group, const QString & key, double def );
/** Set string value.
If the key does not exist it is created
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Value to be assigned to key
void setString( const QString &group, const QString & key, const QString & val );
/** Retrieve string value.
If the key does not exist it is created with the default
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be searched for
\param def Default value to be returned if key not found
\returns Value of key or default value
QString getString( const QString &group, const QString & key, const QString & def );
/** Set QRgb (unsigned long) value.
If the key does not exist it is created.
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Value to be assigned to key
void setRGB( const QString &group, const QString & key, QRgb val );
/** Retrieve QRgb (unsigned long) value.
If the key does not exist it is created with the default
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be searched for
\param def Default value to be returned if key not found
\returns Value of key or default value
QRgb getRGB( const QString &group, const QString & key, QRgb def );
/** Set bool value.
If the key does not exist it is created.
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be searched for
\param val Value to be assigned to key
void setBool( const QString &group, const QString & key, bool val );
/** Retrieve bool value.
If the key does not exist it is created with the default
\param group Group to be used
\param key Key to be searched for
\param def Default value to be returned if key not found
\returns Value of key or default value
bool getBool( const QString &group, const QString & key, bool def );
/** Access iterator over groups.
If there are no groups this member returns SimpleCfg::end().
If you want to iterate through the whole configuration you'll
need code like the following:
SimpleCfg cfg( "filename" );
QMap<QString,SimpleCfgGroup *>::Iterator group;
for (group=cfg.begin(); group != cfg.end(); ++group)
// group.key() returns the group name as QString
// group.data() returns a pointer to the group
cerr << "[" << group.key().latin1() << "]" << endl;
QMap<QString,QString>::Iterator key;
for (key=group.data()->begin(); key != group.data()->end(); ++key)
// key.key() returns the key name
// key.data() returns the value as QString
cerr << key.key().latin1() << " = " << key.data().latin1() << endl;
The above code will print the content of your configuration file (without
comments and alphabetically sorted) to stderr.
\see SimpleCfg::end()
inline QMap<QString,SimpleCfgGroup *>::Iterator begin() { return map.begin(); }
/** Access end value for iterator.
\see SimpleCfg::begin()
inline QMap<QString,SimpleCfgGroup *>::Iterator end() { return map.end(); }
QMap<QString,SimpleCfgGroup *> map;
QString fname;
QString curGroup;
QString m_comment;