
283 lines
8.1 KiB

import "@material/mwc-tab-bar/mwc-tab-bar";
import "@material/mwc-tab/mwc-tab";
import { css, CSSResultGroup, html, LitElement, TemplateResult } from "lit";
import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators";
import { cache } from "lit/directives/cache";
import { classMap } from "lit/directives/class-map";
import memoize from "memoize-one";
import { fireEvent } from "../../../../common/dom/fire_event";
import { computeDomain } from "../../../../common/entity/compute_domain";
import { computeStateName } from "../../../../common/entity/compute_state_name";
import { DataTableRowData } from "../../../../components/data-table/ha-data-table";
import "../../../../components/ha-dialog";
import "../../../../components/ha-header-bar";
import type { LovelaceViewConfig } from "../../../../data/lovelace";
import type { HassDialog } from "../../../../dialogs/make-dialog-manager";
import { haStyleDialog } from "../../../../resources/styles";
import type { HomeAssistant } from "../../../../types";
import "./hui-card-picker";
import "./hui-entity-picker-table";
import { CreateCardDialogParams } from "./show-create-card-dialog";
import { showEditCardDialog } from "./show-edit-card-dialog";
import { showSuggestCardDialog } from "./show-suggest-card-dialog";
declare global {
interface HASSDomEvents {
"selected-changed": SelectedChangedEvent;
interface SelectedChangedEvent {
selectedEntities: string[];
export class HuiCreateDialogCard
extends LitElement
implements HassDialog<CreateCardDialogParams>
@property({ attribute: false }) protected hass!: HomeAssistant;
@state() private _params?: CreateCardDialogParams;
@state() private _viewConfig!: LovelaceViewConfig;
@state() private _selectedEntities: string[] = [];
@state() private _currTabIndex = 0;
public async showDialog(params: CreateCardDialogParams): Promise<void> {
this._params = params;
const [view] = params.path;
this._viewConfig = params.lovelaceConfig.views[view];
public closeDialog(): boolean {
this._params = undefined;
this._currTabIndex = 0;
this._selectedEntities = [];
fireEvent(this, "dialog-closed", { dialog: this.localName });
return true;
protected render(): TemplateResult {
if (!this._params) {
return html``;
const title = this._viewConfig.title
? this.hass!.localize(
: this.hass!.localize("ui.panel.lovelace.editor.edit_card.pick_card");
return html`
class=${classMap({ table: this._currTabIndex === 1 })}
<div slot="heading">
<span slot="title"> ${title} </span>
this._currTabIndex === 0
? html`
: html`
<div slot="primaryAction">
<mwc-button @click=${this._cancel}>
? html`
<mwc-button @click=${this._suggestCards}>
: ""}
private _ignoreKeydown(ev: KeyboardEvent) {
static get styles(): CSSResultGroup {
return [
@media all and (max-width: 450px), all and (max-height: 500px) {
/* overrule the ha-style-dialog max-height on small screens */
ha-dialog {
--mdc-dialog-max-height: 100%;
height: 100%;
@media all and (min-width: 850px) {
ha-dialog {
--mdc-dialog-min-width: 845px;
ha-dialog {
--mdc-dialog-max-width: 845px;
--dialog-content-padding: 2px 24px 20px 24px;
--dialog-z-index: 5;
ha-dialog.table {
--dialog-content-padding: 0;
ha-header-bar {
--mdc-theme-on-primary: var(--primary-text-color);
--mdc-theme-primary: var(--mdc-theme-surface);
flex-shrink: 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid
var(--mdc-dialog-scroll-divider-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12));
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
ha-dialog {
--mdc-dialog-max-width: calc(100% - 32px);
--mdc-dialog-min-width: 1000px;
.header_button {
color: inherit;
text-decoration: none;
mwc-tab-bar {
border-bottom: 1px solid
var(--mdc-dialog-scroll-divider-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12));
hui-entity-picker-table {
display: block;
height: calc(100vh - 198px);
@media all and (max-width: 450px), all and (max-height: 500px) {
hui-entity-picker-table {
height: calc(100vh - 158px);
private _handleCardPicked(ev) {
const config = ev.detail.config;
if (this._params!.entities && this._params!.entities.length) {
if (Object.keys(config).includes("entities")) {
config.entities = this._params!.entities;
} else if (Object.keys(config).includes("entity")) {
config.entity = this._params!.entities[0];
showEditCardDialog(this, {
lovelaceConfig: this._params!.lovelaceConfig,
saveConfig: this._params!.saveConfig,
path: this._params!.path,
cardConfig: config,
private _handleTabChanged(ev: CustomEvent): void {
const newTab = ev.detail.index;
if (newTab === this._currTabIndex) {
this._currTabIndex = ev.detail.index;
this._selectedEntities = [];
private _handleSelectedChanged(ev: CustomEvent): void {
this._selectedEntities = ev.detail.selectedEntities;
private _cancel(ev?: Event) {
if (ev) {
private _suggestCards(): void {
showSuggestCardDialog(this, {
lovelaceConfig: this._params!.lovelaceConfig,
saveConfig: this._params!.saveConfig,
path: this._params!.path as [number],
entities: this._selectedEntities,
private _allEntities = memoize((entities) =>
Object.keys(entities).map((entity) => {
const stateObj = this.hass.states[entity];
return {
icon: "",
entity_id: entity,
name: computeStateName(stateObj),
domain: computeDomain(entity),
last_changed: stateObj!.last_changed,
} as DataTableRowData;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
"hui-dialog-create-card": HuiCreateDialogCard;