dev-python/anyio: re-add 4.1.0 (from main repo archive)

Closes: #2684
Signed-off-by: Andreas Billmeier <>
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Billmeier 2024-01-06 17:31:47 +01:00
parent 643d6c295a
commit 9456b83998
Signed by: onkelbeh
GPG Key ID: E6DB12C8C550F3C0
4 changed files with 64 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -612,11 +612,11 @@ A daily compile test is run at Github with Python 3.9 to catch general faults. E
## Licenses
This repository itself is released under GPL-3 (like most Gentoo repositories), all work on the depending components under the licenses they came from. Perhaps you came here because I filed an issue at your component about a bad or missing license. It is easy to [assign a license]( During cleanups and license investigations I have been asked often which license to choose. I am not a lawyer, but I can offer the following table, counted over this repository, perhaps this helps your decision. If a package has more than one license listed, all of them are counted.
There are 1648 Ebuilds in total, 1637 of them have in total 1653 (42 different) licenses assigned.
There are 1649 Ebuilds in total, 1638 of them have in total 1654 (42 different) licenses assigned.
|License| Ebuilds using it|

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
DIST anyio-4.0.0.tar.gz 153297 BLAKE2B 680c3472525a777dc2af63241ef1b6f90bcc2224d944fc04aef519d0d97bb5845c7b3faddb116b20cfb1a61303bcf91290b1f2544a3cfcb08f3488a70b275c8a SHA512 b0ec5aa912c973206d8677a6aba25957cd669dfe890ee7d39af064f1620f9a5103a39bd6d35f4ea680b86d13964daf1e982ac6873bf5903eeaaa6e74ea974948
EBUILD anyio-4.0.0.ebuild 1564 BLAKE2B e8e2994e19fff714c7cbeeb6bcc6e60e612f67eecbb387343b919dbe4d6b1a44fbfa8d0ed55da7a4822e75c673291df6b755034c29831fb5da2b17128046f0df SHA512 a374f102ad6e15d1c1a9c19505fa0f32c75be1f87aca7d57ba47edb6dfd9871b6072ba844c2104edd60fe57a781e6aa5c5399a7c8c297a6cb1f07bf7a26716d8
DIST anyio-4.1.0.tar.gz 155773 BLAKE2B 39dae924a28dbe14552259f240d6b63d5d2cccfbbb8efefb4100956764ab0144863d6f71a82c02cf245e12430a7c76f187163d9c4aa1b3af291e932efac0e23d SHA512 073b2c2cf92b3c1d3d5588a2ea966d82c793559702b64ab60ace539cfa2c33cf24c48ed06f0297ec3e0cca9b1ead59a995f7f59d2b3f2d75e43bdb16f927bea7
EBUILD anyio-4.0.0.ebuild 1564 BLAKE2B 62d67f255637fba40a2fb32a6f396c6b411947f801e443a34e71fb7c61ab601d4d421d1bbeff506fe58988fdafd08d765af739da3a2ca90f924b230be1212024 SHA512 2a1ed4c6b2c317a2ad829eb41c207352db0383b2e4123205e6f9d0a7cb8763dc7dec4c8ad7d789625a2778bf0b60c5c52b7e393cae7f00e01bd8b29cf7ebc233
EBUILD anyio-4.1.0.ebuild 1529 BLAKE2B 3c898203abe0bff1537f81b23897362a2ba5e79c139b4d94b002a92c4cd350c50d07bd6dab094d12eca376d866c6aa42349852c7ee32db82bad31227e746d994 SHA512 9f06b30b3309e4f7353fee81f879455df34ac83d87c4d67b23a5e664fe2b23de8e72c1dfe363365cb4b0c6e7a25fd81453a7ac44a712d5a69c33e2d9c9de2bb9
MISC metadata.xml 513 BLAKE2B 1a128df54ff66d09506afbc9ad33b9f02166b027c5d5dc60e89abb9cd2809fdde85311090f2df1e2ce2f46ae376ae077b402e3a0e861b0453449cbc4907178ec SHA512 1a26bde236ca868281411456c983ae293dc1dd14d533696f74fb29048247ac918e21d4f74b05ff86a35ab3fdbbaf4d3ba99bf4aa5600f84a1610fa219a177011

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..12} )
inherit distutils-r1 pypi
DESCRIPTION="Compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations"
KEYWORDS="amd64 arm arm64 x86"
# On amd64, let's get more test coverage by dragging in uvloop, but let's
# not bother on other arches where uvloop may not be supported.
test? (
amd64? (
$(python_gen_cond_dep '
' python3_{10..12})
distutils_enable_tests pytest
distutils_enable_sphinx docs \
'>=dev-python/sphinx-rtd-theme-1.2.2' \
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-jquery \
python_test() {
# requires link-local IPv6 interface
epytest -m 'not network'