
60 lines
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#pragma once
// Leddevice includes
#include <leddevice/LedDevice.h>
// Qt includes
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QTimer>
/// Implementation of the LedDevice that write the led-colors to an
/// ASCII-textfile('/home/pi/LedDevice.out')
class LedDeviceAurora : public LedDevice
/// Constructs the test-device, which opens an output stream to the file
LedDeviceAurora(const std::string& output, const std::string& key);
/// Destructor of this test-device
virtual ~LedDeviceAurora();
/// Writes the given led-color values to the output stream
/// @param ledValues The color-value per led
/// @return Zero on success else negative
virtual int write(const std::vector<ColorRgb> & ledValues);
/// Switch the leds off
virtual int switchOff();
/// The outputstream
// std::ofstream _ofs;
// QNetworkAccessManager object for sending requests.
QNetworkAccessManager* manager;
// the number of leds (needed when switching off)
size_t panelCount;
/// Array of the pannel ids.
std::vector<unsigned int> panelIds;
QByteArray get(QString host, QString token, QString route);
QByteArray putJson(QString url, QString json);
QByteArray changeMode(QString host, QString token, QString route);
/// @param route
/// @return the full URL of the request.
QString getUrl(QString host, QString token, QString route);