--- title: Pacman category: Linux updated: 2018-07-07 --- ## Commands {: .-three-column} ### About {: .-intro} Pacman is the package manager for Arch Linux and its derivatives. - ### Common commands | Command | Description | | ----------------------- | --------------------------------- | | `pacman -Syu ` | Install (and update package list) | | `pacman -S ` | Install only | | `pacman -Rsc ` | Uninstall | | `pacman -Ss ` | Search | | `pacman -Syu` | Upgrade everything | {: .-prime} ### Query | Command | Description | | -------------------- | -------------------------------------- | | `pacman -Qe` | List explictly-installed packages | | --- | --- | | `pacman -Ql ` | What files does this package have? | | `pacman -Qii ` | List information on package | | --- | --- | | `pacman -Qo ` | Who owns this file? | | --- | --- | | `pacman -Qs ` | Search installed packages for keywords | ### Orphans | Command | Description | | ----------------------------- | --------------------------- | | `pacman -Qdt` | List unneeded packages | | `pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qdtq)` | Uninstall unneeded packages | Avoid orphans by using `pacman -Rsc` to remove packages, which will remove unneeded dependencies. ### Other | Command | Description | | ------------------ | -------------------------- | | `pactree ` | What does _pkg_ depend on? | | `pactree -r ` | What depends on _pkg_? | ### References * [Pacman tips and tricks](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman/Tips_and_tricks) _(wiki.archlinux.org)_