--- title: CircleCI category: Devops --- ### About {: .-intro} - ### circle.yml * __machine__: adjusting the VM to your preferences and requirements * __checkout__: checking out and cloning your git repo * __dependencies__: setting up your project's language-specific dependencies * __database__: preparing the databases for your tests * __test__: running your tests * __deployment__: deploying your code to your web servers See: ### Sample ```yml ## Customize the test machine machine: timezone: America/Los_Angeles # Set the timezone # Version of ruby to use ruby: version: 1.8.7-p358-falcon-perf # Override /etc/hosts hosts: circlehost: dev.mycompany.com: # Add some environment variables environment: CIRCLE_ENV: test DATABASE_URL: postgres://ubuntu:@ ## Customize checkout checkout: post: - git submodule sync - git submodule update --init # use submodules ## Customize dependencies dependencies: pre: - npm install coffeescript # install from a different package manager - gem uninstall bundler # use a custom version of bundler - gem install bundler --pre override: - bundle install: # note ':' here timeout: 180 # fail if command has no output for 3 minutes # we automatically cache and restore many dependencies between # builds. If you need to, you can add custom paths to cache: cache_directories: - "custom_1" # relative to the build directory - "~/custom_2" # relative to the user's home directory ## Customize database setup database: override: # replace CircleCI's generated database.yml - cp config/database.yml.ci config/database.yml - bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load ## Customize test commands test: override: - phpunit test/unit-tests # use PHPunit for testing post: - bundle exec rake jasmine:ci: # add an extra test type environment: RAILS_ENV: test RACK_ENV: test ## Customize deployment commands deployment: staging: branch: master heroku: appname: foo-bar-123 ## Custom notifications notify: webhooks: # A list of hashes representing hooks. Only the url field is supported. - url: https://someurl.com/hooks/circle ```