Add aliases to areas (#15198)

* Add aliases to areas

* rename

* Update dialog-aliases.ts
This commit is contained in:
Bram Kragten 2023-01-25 16:55:58 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent a3ba8210cf
commit d2886b1ea7
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 166 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -99,16 +99,19 @@ const AREAS = [
area_id: "backyard",
name: "Backyard",
picture: null,
aliases: [],
area_id: "bedroom",
name: "Bedroom",
picture: null,
aliases: [],
area_id: "livingroom",
name: "Livingroom",
picture: null,
aliases: [],

View File

@ -95,16 +95,19 @@ const AREAS = [
area_id: "backyard",
name: "Backyard",
picture: null,
aliases: [],
area_id: "bedroom",
name: "Bedroom",
picture: null,
aliases: [],
area_id: "livingroom",
name: "Livingroom",
picture: null,
aliases: [],

View File

@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ export class HaAreaPicker extends LitElement {
area_id: "no_areas",
name: this.hass.localize("ui.components.area-picker.no_areas"),
picture: null,
aliases: [],
@ -256,6 +257,7 @@ export class HaAreaPicker extends LitElement {
area_id: "no_areas",
name: this.hass.localize("ui.components.area-picker.no_match"),
picture: null,
aliases: [],
@ -268,6 +270,7 @@ export class HaAreaPicker extends LitElement {
area_id: "add_new",
name: this.hass.localize("ui.components.area-picker.add_new"),
picture: null,
aliases: [],

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ export interface AreaRegistryEntry {
area_id: string;
name: string;
picture: string | null;
aliases: string[];
export interface AreaEntityLookup {
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ export interface AreaDeviceLookup {
export interface AreaRegistryEntryMutableParams {
name: string;
picture?: string | null;
aliases?: string[];
export const createAreaRegistryEntry = (

View File

@ -2,35 +2,34 @@ import "@material/mwc-button/mwc-button";
import { mdiDeleteOutline, mdiPlus } from "@mdi/js";
import { css, CSSResultGroup, html, LitElement, TemplateResult } from "lit";
import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators";
import { fireEvent } from "../../../../common/dom/fire_event";
import { computeStateName } from "../../../../common/entity/compute_state_name";
import "../../../../components/ha-alert";
import "../../../../components/ha-area-picker";
import "../../../../components/ha-dialog";
import "../../../../components/ha-textfield";
import type { HaTextField } from "../../../../components/ha-textfield";
import { haStyle, haStyleDialog } from "../../../../resources/styles";
import { HomeAssistant } from "../../../../types";
import { EntityAliasesDialogParams } from "./show-dialog-entity-aliases";
import { fireEvent } from "../../common/dom/fire_event";
import "../../components/ha-alert";
import "../../components/ha-area-picker";
import "../../components/ha-dialog";
import "../../components/ha-textfield";
import type { HaTextField } from "../../components/ha-textfield";
import { haStyle, haStyleDialog } from "../../resources/styles";
import { HomeAssistant } from "../../types";
import { AliasesDialogParams } from "./show-dialog-aliases";
class DialogEntityAliases extends LitElement {
class DialogAliases extends LitElement {
@property({ attribute: false }) public hass!: HomeAssistant;
@state() private _error?: string;
@state() private _params?: EntityAliasesDialogParams;
@state() private _params?: AliasesDialogParams;
@state() private _aliases!: string[];
@state() private _submitting = false;
public async showDialog(params: EntityAliasesDialogParams): Promise<void> {
public async showDialog(params: AliasesDialogParams): Promise<void> {
this._params = params;
this._error = undefined;
this._aliases =
this._params.entity.aliases?.length > 0
? [...this._params.entity.aliases].sort()
this._params.aliases?.length > 0
? [...this._params.aliases].sort()
: [""];
await this.updateComplete;
@ -46,23 +45,17 @@ class DialogEntityAliases extends LitElement {
return html``;
const entityId = this._params.entity.entity_id;
const stateObj = entityId ? this.hass.states[entityId] : undefined;
const name = (stateObj && computeStateName(stateObj)) || entityId;
return html`
{ name }
.heading=${this.hass.localize("ui.dialogs.aliases.heading", {
? html`<ha-alert alert-type="error">${this._error}</ha-alert> `
? html`<ha-alert alert-type="error">${this._error}</ha-alert>`
: ""}
<div class="form">
@ -73,7 +66,7 @@ class DialogEntityAliases extends LitElement {
{ number: index + 1 }
@ -85,7 +78,7 @@ class DialogEntityAliases extends LitElement {
{ number: index + 1 }
@ -96,9 +89,7 @@ class DialogEntityAliases extends LitElement {
<div class="layout horizontal center-center">
<mwc-button @click=${this._addAlias}>
<ha-svg-icon slot="icon" .path=${mdiPlus}></ha-svg-icon>
@ -113,12 +104,10 @@ class DialogEntityAliases extends LitElement {
@ -152,23 +141,18 @@ class DialogEntityAliases extends LitElement {
this._aliases = aliases;
private async _updateEntry(): Promise<void> {
private async _updateAliases(): Promise<void> {
this._submitting = true;
const noEmptyAliases = this._aliases
.map((alias) => alias.trim())
.filter((alias) => alias);
try {
await this._params!.updateEntry({
aliases: noEmptyAliases,
await this._params!.updateAliases(noEmptyAliases);
} catch (err: any) {
this._error =
err.message ||
err.message || this.hass.localize("ui.dialogs.aliases.unknown_error");
} finally {
this._submitting = false;
@ -207,6 +191,6 @@ class DialogEntityAliases extends LitElement {
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
"dialog-entity-aliases": DialogEntityAliases;
"dialog-aliases": DialogAliases;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import { fireEvent } from "../../common/dom/fire_event";
export interface AliasesDialogParams {
name: string;
aliases: string[];
updateAliases: (aliases: string[]) => Promise<unknown>;
export const loadAliasesDialog = () => import("./dialog-aliases");
export const showAliasesDialog = (
element: HTMLElement,
aliasesParams: AliasesDialogParams
): void => {
fireEvent(element, "show-dialog", {
dialogTag: "dialog-aliases",
dialogImport: loadAliasesDialog,
dialogParams: aliasesParams,

View File

@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
import "@material/mwc-button";
import "@material/mwc-list/mwc-list";
import { mdiPencil } from "@mdi/js";
import { css, CSSResultGroup, html, LitElement, TemplateResult } from "lit";
import { property, state } from "lit/decorators";
import { fireEvent } from "../../../common/dom/fire_event";
import { createCloseHeading } from "../../../components/ha-dialog";
import { stringCompare } from "../../../common/string/compare";
import "../../../components/ha-alert";
import "../../../components/ha-textfield";
import { createCloseHeading } from "../../../components/ha-dialog";
import "../../../components/ha-picture-upload";
import type { HaPictureUpload } from "../../../components/ha-picture-upload";
import "../../../components/ha-textfield";
import { AreaRegistryEntryMutableParams } from "../../../data/area_registry";
import { showAliasesDialog } from "../../../dialogs/aliases/show-dialog-aliases";
import { CropOptions } from "../../../dialogs/image-cropper-dialog/show-image-cropper-dialog";
import { PolymerChangedEvent } from "../../../polymer-types";
import { haStyleDialog } from "../../../resources/styles";
@ -26,6 +30,8 @@ class DialogAreaDetail extends LitElement {
@state() private _name!: string;
@state() private _aliases!: string[];
@state() private _picture!: string | null;
@state() private _error?: string;
@ -40,6 +46,7 @@ class DialogAreaDetail extends LitElement {
this._params = params;
this._error = undefined;
this._name = this._params.entry ? : "";
this._aliases = this._params.entry ? this._params.entry.aliases : [];
this._picture = this._params.entry?.picture || null;
await this.updateComplete;
@ -93,6 +100,40 @@ class DialogAreaDetail extends LitElement {
<div class="label">
<mwc-list class="aliases" @action=${this._handleAliasesClicked}>
<mwc-list-item .twoline=${this._aliases.length > 0} hasMeta>
${this._aliases.length > 0
? this.hass.localize(
{ count: this._aliases.length }
: this.hass.localize(
<span slot="secondary">
.sort((a, b) =>
stringCompare(a, b, this.hass.locale.language)
.join(", ")}
<ha-svg-icon slot="meta" .path=${mdiPencil}></ha-svg-icon>
<div class="secondary">
@ -127,6 +168,16 @@ class DialogAreaDetail extends LitElement {
private _handleAliasesClicked() {
showAliasesDialog(this, {
name: this._name,
aliases: this._aliases,
updateAliases: async (aliases: string[]) => {
this._aliases = aliases;
private _isNameValid() {
return this._name.trim() !== "";
@ -147,6 +198,7 @@ class DialogAreaDetail extends LitElement {
const values: AreaRegistryEntryMutableParams = {
name: this._name.trim(),
picture: this._picture,
aliases: this._aliases,
if (this._params!.entry) {
await this._params!.updateEntry!(values);

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import "../../../../layouts/hass-subpage";
import { buttonLinkStyle, haStyle } from "../../../../resources/styles";
import type { HomeAssistant } from "../../../../types";
import { showToast } from "../../../../util/toast";
import { showEntityAliasesDialog } from "../../entities/entity-aliases/show-dialog-entity-aliases";
import { showAliasesDialog } from "../../../../dialogs/aliases/show-dialog-aliases";
@ -422,15 +422,17 @@ class CloudGoogleAssistant extends LitElement {
if (!entry) {
showEntityAliasesDialog(this, {
entity: entry,
updateEntry: async (updates) => {
const { entity_entry } = await updateEntityRegistryEntry(
this._entries![entity_entry.entity_id] = entity_entry;
const stateObj = this.hass.states[entityId];
const name = (stateObj && computeStateName(stateObj)) || entityId;
showAliasesDialog(this, {
aliases: entry.aliases,
updateAliases: async (aliases: string[]) => {
const result = await updateEntityRegistryEntry(this.hass, entityId, {
this._entries![entityId] = result.entity_entry;

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import { fireEvent } from "../../../../common/dom/fire_event";
import {
} from "../../../../data/entity_registry";
export interface EntityAliasesDialogParams {
entity: ExtEntityRegistryEntry;
updateEntry: (
updates: Partial<EntityRegistryEntryUpdateParams>
) => Promise<unknown>;
export const loadEntityAliasesDialog = () => import("./dialog-entity-aliases");
export const showEntityAliasesDialog = (
element: HTMLElement,
entityAliasesParams: EntityAliasesDialogParams
): void => {
fireEvent(element, "show-dialog", {
dialogTag: "dialog-entity-aliases",
dialogImport: loadEntityAliasesDialog,
dialogParams: entityAliasesParams,

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { css, html, LitElement, PropertyValues, TemplateResult } from "lit";
import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators";
import { fireEvent } from "../../../common/dom/fire_event";
import { computeDomain } from "../../../common/entity/compute_domain";
import { computeStateName } from "../../../common/entity/compute_state_name";
import { stringCompare } from "../../../common/string/compare";
import "../../../components/ha-area-picker";
import "../../../components/ha-expansion-panel";
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ import {
import { showAlertDialog } from "../../../dialogs/generic/show-dialog-box";
import { SubscribeMixin } from "../../../mixins/subscribe-mixin";
import type { HomeAssistant } from "../../../types";
import { showEntityAliasesDialog } from "./entity-aliases/show-dialog-entity-aliases";
import { showAliasesDialog } from "../../../dialogs/aliases/show-dialog-aliases";
export class HaEntityRegistryBasicEditor extends SubscribeMixin(LitElement) {
@ -52,13 +53,18 @@ export class HaEntityRegistryBasicEditor extends SubscribeMixin(LitElement) {
private _handleAliasesClicked(ev: CustomEvent) {
if (ev.detail.index !== 0) return;
showEntityAliasesDialog(this, {
entity: this.entry!,
updateEntry: async (updates) => {
const stateObj = this.hass.states[this.entry.entity_id];
const name =
(stateObj && computeStateName(stateObj)) || this.entry.entity_id;
showAliasesDialog(this, {
aliases: this.entry!.aliases,
updateAliases: async (aliases: string[]) => {
const result = await updateEntityRegistryEntry(
{ aliases }
fireEvent(this, "entity-entry-updated", result.entity_entry);
@ -296,7 +302,7 @@ export class HaEntityRegistryBasicEditor extends SubscribeMixin(LitElement) {
<div class="secondary">

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import { isComponentLoaded } from "../../../common/config/is_component_loaded";
import { fireEvent } from "../../../common/dom/fire_event";
import { stopPropagation } from "../../../common/dom/stop_propagation";
import { computeDomain } from "../../../common/entity/compute_domain";
import { computeStateName } from "../../../common/entity/compute_state_name";
import { domainIcon } from "../../../common/entity/domain_icon";
import { supportsFeature } from "../../../common/entity/supports-feature";
import { stringCompare } from "../../../common/string/compare";
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ import { SubscribeMixin } from "../../../mixins/subscribe-mixin";
import { haStyle } from "../../../resources/styles";
import type { HomeAssistant } from "../../../types";
import { showDeviceRegistryDetailDialog } from "../devices/device-registry-detail/show-dialog-device-registry-detail";
import { showEntityAliasesDialog } from "./entity-aliases/show-dialog-entity-aliases";
import { showAliasesDialog } from "../../../dialogs/aliases/show-dialog-aliases";
cover: [
@ -861,7 +862,7 @@ export class EntityRegistrySettings extends SubscribeMixin(LitElement) {
<div class="secondary">
@ -1055,13 +1056,19 @@ export class EntityRegistrySettings extends SubscribeMixin(LitElement) {
private _handleAliasesClicked(ev: CustomEvent) {
if (ev.detail.index !== 0) return;
showEntityAliasesDialog(this, {
entity: this.entry!,
updateEntry: async (updates) => {
const stateObj = this.hass.states[this.entry.entity_id];
const name =
(stateObj && computeStateName(stateObj)) || this.entry.entity_id;
showAliasesDialog(this, {
aliases: this.entry!.aliases,
updateAliases: async (aliases: string[]) => {
const result = await updateEntityRegistryEntry(
{ aliases }
fireEvent(this, "entity-entry-updated", result.entity_entry);

View File

@ -1016,19 +1016,19 @@
"aliases_section": "Aliases",
"no_aliases": "No configured aliases",
"configured_aliases": "{count} configured {count, plural,\n one {alias}\n other {aliases}\n}",
"aliases": {
"heading": "{name} aliases",
"description": "Aliases are alternative names used in voice assistants to refer to this entity.",
"remove_alias": "Remove alias {number}",
"input_label": "Alias {number}",
"save": "Save",
"add_alias": "Add alias",
"no_aliases": "No aliases have been added yet",
"update": "Update",
"unknown_error": "Unknown error"
"aliases_description": "Aliases are alternative names used in voice assistants to refer to this entity."
"aliases": {
"heading": "{name} aliases",
"remove_alias": "Remove alias {number}",
"input_label": "Alias {number}",
"save": "Save",
"add_alias": "Add alias",
"no_aliases": "No aliases have been added yet",
"update": "Update",
"unknown_error": "Unknown error"
"helper_settings": {
"platform_not_loaded": "The {platform} integration is not loaded. Please add it to your configuration either by adding 'default_config:' or ''{platform}:''.",
"yaml_not_editable": "The settings of this entity cannot be edited from the UI. Only entities set up from the UI are configurable from the UI.",
@ -1435,7 +1435,11 @@
"area_id": "Area ID",
"unknown_error": "Unknown error",
"linked_entities_caption": "Entities",
"no_linked_entities": "There are no entities linked to this area."
"no_linked_entities": "There are no entities linked to this area.",
"aliases_section": "Aliases",
"no_aliases": "No configured aliases",
"configured_aliases": "{count} configured {count, plural,\n one {alias}\n other {aliases}\n}",
"aliases_description": "Aliases are alternative names used in voice assistants to refer to this area."
"delete": {
"confirmation_title": "Delete {name}?",